Home / S100 Training in NSL [24]
Community members train with helicopter.

From left to right Robbie Robinson, Marcel keewaykapow, Kennedy Rae, Derek Linklater, and Norman Rae.
Here we see some of our community members in a photo with the helicopter.
This is what our lake looks like from the sky.
We can hardly see this guys face but this is John Paul Rae, ready to get beamed up.
First time eye in the sky!
Check that out! Thats NSL from above, way above.
"Hey buddy, keep your head down!"
See how well they work together.
Here we see the trainers in another demonstration.
Community members from left to right John Paul Rae, Derek Liklater, Norman Rae, and Marcel Keewaykapow.
Heres the beginning of a wonderfull raid, um I mean ride.
Another toy angle.
Here we can see how well our trainees pay attention to their instruction.
Hey whats wrong? That looks like John Paul running from the helicopter.
Goal achieved!