The Band Administration and Staff hold their staff party at the school gym.
- Hey this box looks like its full of garbage bags. I hope something else is wrapped up in here. (please, please, please.)
- That's Brenda Pascal and her Husband Lester Pascal and their little queen.
- Hey! we heard there was a party somewhere! Now these people don't look like Band Staff do they?
- On the left is the Bad Administrator, oh sorry, I meant Band Administrator, Lisa Meekis. And our First Deputy Lady Ella Jane Mee
- You know everyone loves this guy at the end and the beginning of the Month. Guess what occupation he is in. Give up? Welfare Adm
- everyones getting ready to leave the festivities. Now the question remains who will clean up?
- And I wanted to close this off with the NAPS Officers wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays. William Robertson and Wayne Ma
- Say what does this say?
- While the presents were handed out, some of the people told stories and jokes.
- Thats our Northern Store Manager getting his present. Our Special Guest.
- Betty getting her gift.
- Mon cherie! That's Sherry Kakepetum our Band Secretary.
- Janice Kakegamic is our financial clerk for the band office.
- People waiting for their names to be called.
- Hey I got towels for Christmas. Everyone was joking which hotel they came from.