NORTH Network hosted a gathering of staff, consultants and partners at the Nottawasaga Inn on Oct 20 - 21, 2002 to plan for the future (and learn from the past).

Everyone is able to be proud of the achievements to date while knowing there is still so much to do.
Some of the Thunder Bay connection (Steve, Marlene and Laurie), with Rob making sure northern Ontario needs and priorities are a
The man and his team, taking it all in ... not too much gets by this guy.
John's just pointing out some of the needs and priorities in the far north.
John Rowlandson, KO's Telehealth Project Manager, provides participants with a different perspective of what telehealth is all a
The meeting room at the Nottawasaga Inn was filled with workshop participants.
Irene, Dimitry, Teresa, Ron
Close to forty people attended this workshop. Many of those, including Dr. Robert Filler, have been helping to build NORTH since
Dr. Ed Brown and Dr. Rob Williams set the stage for the meeting with their tag team presentations, "the State of the Nation