Every year the school invites all school staff to come and enjoy a staff christmas super.

I wonder whats inside? Can't seem to get this tape off? Maybe I should just rip the wrapping off eh?
*LOL* Look what I got here!
Mr and Mrs. Green got alot of present together. It seems everything that they got is the colour green.
No one seems to be looking.
While nobody is looking. I think I'll grab myself a sample. Just a little bit of a taste. Just a little bit, only a small piece.
People eating. That is Freddy Kakegamic in the middle of the table.
MMM! good! Very Good! MMMM! MMMM!! Good! Good Food. Hey hows your food? MMMM! Good!
people are eating and just waiting for the dessert to be passed around and the present unwrapping
Oh no! you mean I ate the whole thing?
After the presents were opened, staff are just walking around admiring others gifts.
The lady with the green wrapped present that is Mrs. Green of Keewaywin. Pauline Kakegamic
Thats Mrs and Mr. Green. Notice that their presents are wrapped in green paper? what could be inside them?
Hmm! I think I grab this piece. No! the other piece looks more Juicy. Hurry up Laura yours holding up the line.
The School's delicious food is featured here. Doesn't that just make your mouth water?
Alright look where they put me! that is Dusty Kakegamic, the grandson of the late David Kakegamic (Moong)