The KO staff in Balmertown had a display July 19-20, 2002 during The Norseman Days. They are set aside to recognize the role of the Norseman planes in the development of the district. The staff of the Balmertown all participated in sharing our culture wit

Here they are waiting for the game to start.
These two are showing off their new medicine pouches from Tina Kakapetum's workshop.
Tina had everyone put on blindfolds, so that they could find their "clans" by making the animal sounds.
The people from Red Lake (and beyond) were very interested in the teachings.
Our little gathering place.
There was lots of activity throughout the day.
David Neegan working over a hot frying pan to give Jerry Pokrupa a bannock dog.
Many thanks to Ananius Sawanas for sending this lovely trout which Phyllis cooked up for us.
Aren't we all just like one big happy family?