July 16, 2002. Keewaywin just got evacuated today due to the heavy smoke which descended upon our community

And this concludes our picture of the evacution. There is another plane load leaving today sometimes with another 40 passengers.
These are our other elders Moyen Kakepetum (our sanitation worker) and his wife Emily Kakepetum.
And our elders Jonah Kakepetum and Peggy Kakepetum. She was suppose to help us with the Science Tech Summer Camp in Keewaywin. I
Alot of these people are the people with babies, elders, the people with breathing problem and health problems.
Our Keewaywin Chief John Mckay looking on and instructing people to get on the plane and making sure everything is going smoothl
This guy in front of the picture is none other than our summer student Nathaniel Thompson. And this is the photo of inside the p
Here we most of the Health staff helping with the evacuation proceedings. With a big thank you to the Crisis team for putting to
The Ladies of Keewaywin. Looking on at the evacuation.
the total amount this plane can carry are forty passengers. due to the heavy smoke in the area, the people with breathing proble
Okay after cleaning the lens. hehe. Here we have a clear view of the evacuees getting on the plane.
The camera must be dirty. i see spots anyways here is another photo of people getting on the plane.
And here is one of our elders Donald Kakegamic Getting ready to board the plane
We had a tremendous amount of volunteers helping with the volunteering procedures,
This is a poor shot but im sure u can see abit at the people getting on the plane.
Lester Pascal at the wheel, making one of the trips