Science Technology Day Camp in Poplar Hill. Day One.July 15,2002.

These kids did alot of work on the first day of the science technology day camp.
Cutting and pasting was alot of fun for these guys.
Discussing about the animals and sharing about them was alot of fun.
The display of the science Technology day camp.The different kinds of plants and more.
These guys found the wolverine.
Everybody had something to do,lots of fun.
The kids here enjoying them selves,it got really hot in the building,there,s no air conditioning in the building.
Day one, they focused on animals,some of them collecting pictures of animals.And some of them did on line search on computers fo
Everybody was kept busy,lots of fun.
This guy found the beaver,a common mammal.
Curtis going through what they,ll be doing in the next four days.
Kids here are getting ahead on Curtis, cutting and pasting.
Kids aging from 8-16 showed up for the science technology day camp.Most of them being boys,no girls.
Curtis explaining to the kids, what this science technology day camp is about.
Getting started,setting up.Curtis Lawson Project coordinator of the Science technology day camp.