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Again more questions, my big brother George ,Catherine and Reynold in the screen. Catherine was a bit camera shy.
Rita Wassaykeesick, being helpful and we thank her and the other staff from Northern Chiefs for making this exciting visit possi
Again another picture of my family. That's Rita 's Mom in the red scarf, Emma Wassaykeesick. See the resemblence? Cool huh?
Everyone getting up to say good bye to Reynold ,Catherine and George. This sure was an exciting day for me and my family. Thanks
Reynold with his mom and dad at the airport in Thunder Bay on his way home
Tony and my Mom (Tason)visiting Reynold, George and Catherine via televideo at the Poplar Hill examinaton room #1.
Rita Wassaykeesick (Telehealth Coordinator)making sure nothing goes wrong and zooms in on the speakers as we asked questions re:
Here is a group picture of my family, nieces drove over from Pikangikum to visit their brother Reynold, Mom and Dad
My aunt Josie asking if everyone's heard she just got married. She's joking around,everyone was so cheerful.
my other Aunt Emma Wassaykeesick (she's in the red scarf)came on half an hour after to visit as well. My brother George's childr
Family picture :) Cool Huh?, my mom in front, that's where I got my good looks from.