Home / Northern Ontario Medical School and Nishnawbe Aski Nation staff meet with Keewaytinook Okimakanak [12]
On March 31, NOMS, NAN, Red Lake Municipal and Hospital reps and KO met in Balmertown to discuss potential partnerships and developing strategies for improving health services across the region
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- Deer Lake Nursing Station staff and visitors
- Deer Lake Council and visitors at the Band Office
- Dr. Strasser meeting Deer Lake Deputy Chief Moses Mamakeesic
- Brian Walmark (Education Coordinator, NAN), Darcia Borg (Physician Support and Aboriginal Curriculum, NOMS), Carol Otte (Actin
- Dr. Roger Strasser (Founding Dean, NOMS), Geordi Kakepetum (Executive Director, KO), Goyce Kakegamic (Deputy Grand Chief, Educat
- Bob Bruyere (Executive Director, SLAAMB), Mayor Duncan Wilson (Municipality of Red Lake), Arlene Meekis (Economic Development Ou