During Brian Beaton's trip to Deer Lake on Sept 5-7, 2001, a number of pictures were taken
- Children's Centre...play area
- The children's learning area
- Kitchen and eating area
- Chief Roy Dale Meekis with Yan Lazor, Executive Director of Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat during visit on Thursday, Sept 6,
- All the folks meeting about the Deer Lake infrastructure construction project (Chief and Council, John Paul Blais, Peter Barber
- Deer Lake's Head Start building
- Glen Meekis troubleshooting the reception areas computer
- Deer Lake's Distance Learning Centre at the school
- The Adult Learning Centre (from another angle)
- The Community Access public Internet access workstations at the school
- John Wayne Potts, School Principal
- Oscar Meekis in the bigger Smart office at the school
- Charlene McKay, Deer Lake's Wahsa Distance Education Coordinator
- Cory Meekis in the smaller Smart Communities office
- Johnny Meekis, Deer Lake Education Director