Poplar Hill had their treaty day games on July 4-7 2002.There were lots of games and could'nt capture every activity.

Target shooting,floor hockey.
Target shooting,floor hockey.
Mens money hunt.Being told which area to search.
Men searching the money,it's here some wheres behind the teacherage.
Men putting up this tent.Gospel tent meeting this weekend.
These lady got a prize.
The orangizer calling out the winners and handing out the prizes.
Every night the prizes were given out at gym.
Giving out prizes from the days activies.
The ladys are told the area to search for the money. Money hunt.
The ladys money hunt,still searching.
They ladys egg throw,lots of fun.
The mens water ballon toss.
That long building is the teacherage,alot of people sitting in the shade.
These youngsters watch as the ladys go to search on money hunt.