Home / NSL Christmas Concert [14]
Victoria Linklater Memorial School students and teachers did a Christmas Concert, December 12, 2002
- Maida Linklater, saying the closing prayer.
- Luke Rae, was suppose to say his part, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."
- The little ones doing the karokee dance.
- Primary Classroom doing their part. :-)
- Grade 7 & 8 saying their part, but you can hardly hear them....
- Another view from the back, of community members.
- A view of community members watching the concert.
- Grade 7 & 8 classroom.
- A Christmas Play
- Doing a play...
- Charlotte Rae's classroom
- Grade 4-6 classroom
- Martina King, and Francine Rae.
- Christmas Tree in Grade 1-3 classroom.