David Meekis Memorial School Christmas Concert. How many people do you recognize?
- The Mummer's Song is a dance from the East Coast and is an old Christmas tradition.
- Pastor Saggius Rae closed the Christmas Concert with a word of prayer.
- The kids did a little cross-cultural bridge to the east coast with their performance of the Mummer's Song. This is a Newfoundlan
- The Grade 6 class led by Darlene Meekis performed Silent Night in Oji-Cree.
- The Grade 7's take their bows after their Shadow Play.
- The grade 7's anxiously await their turn to perform.
- Grade 7's Kimberly, Julie and Cheryle smile for the camera.
- Mary's Song was performed by the drama group of the Deer Lake Memorial School, and was both well performed and well received.
- The Grade 8's performed the Twelve Days of Christmas in a novel fashion.
- The Grade 8's took put humour into an old Christmas classic with a new version of an old classic.
- The Grade 5's shared their favourite Christmas memories with us.
- The drama group's presentation packed the entire of Jesus' life into its' short skit.
- The youngest audience member was Meegan with her proud mom.
- The Grade 6 class presented a story of how the Grinch stole Christmas.....
- ....And, how the Grinch was able to find his Christmas spirit again.