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Virtual Care for Rural & Remote First Nations in Ontario - day 2 Virtual Care for Rural & Remote First Nations in Ontario Pickle Lake Cable Plant Repair Trip Saugeen Visit September 2013 The Sioux Lookout GSM and HSPA Test Site Poplar Hill Node1 Replacement (Emergency) Fort Severn Youth Canoetrip Pelican Wireless Restoration NAISA 2013 Remedy Remedy RX Fiber Fort Severn spring goose hunt Pikangikum Cable plant and cellular 2013 KOTM Neskantaga 2013 Grassy-Narrows-wireless Wunnumin-Lake-Fibre-Connection Kingfisher Lake First Nation Community Network gets connected to 100Mb fibre circuit gordclosen North Spirit Lake Fibre termination Shawanaga-Broadband Termination of Keewaywin Fibre Cat Lake First Nation Broadband Connection Moves from C-Band Satellite to 100Mb Fibre Circuit Slate Falls First Nation turned on their fibre network connection moving off their satellite service Keewaywin 3G Install Ft-Severn Wilderness Canoe Adventure along the Berens to Pikangikum to Poplar Hill to Deer Lake E-Community - North Spirit Lake First Nation north-Sprit1 nsl-a-photos Grassy-Narrows Wabaseemoong KO e-Community Experience at the AFN Assembly in Toronto, July 17-18 FNSSP Training - July 10-11 Mishkeegogamang_wireless_rebuild Poplar Hill Fiber Installation Keewaytinook Okimakanak team that is heading to Toronto met in Dryden in preparation for next week's journey to Toronto Moving the Wawakapewin Satellite Headend into their new telco building Setting up the new KO e-Community booth in Dryden office - June 25, 2012 New Cable Headend Building in Poplar Hill First Nation Community Owned Fibre cable in Poplar Hill First Nation Aboriginal Day, Sioux Lookout Cable Headend building in North Spirit Lake First Nation FNSSP-Training june20 First Nation School Nominal Roll Training knet photoshoot. Tower climb and rescue training Webequie cell site E-community photos Poplar Hill & Keewaywin Cat Lake Wapekeka-Cell-Site Knet Webstreaming kit KI and Wapekeka North-Spirit-Lake-Telco-BLDG North-Spirit-Lake-Telco-BLDG / initial-delivery Keewaywin-Telco-BLDG Keewaywin-Telco-BLDG / initial-delivery Poplar-Hill-cell-bldg-damage -Band/Cable Plant Training Workshop Kasabonika-New-Head-End KO Chiefs Christmas Banquet Kasabonika_Cellular K-Net Attends Wawatays communications conference North Spirit Lake new school opening (CAP) Community Access Program Meeting Pelican-Falls-School-radio-upgrade Sandy Lake Tower Weagamow School Network Install Newtec DVB-S2 Equipment Wapekeka School Network Install Billy Greaves and Jessica Beaton's Wedding Poplar Hill School Network Install Grand Council Treaty 3 Youth Forum 2011 Muskrat Dam Tower Kasabonika Lake First Nation is constructing a new tower Kasabonika-Broadband-Wireless Kasabonika Tower Kenny-Beaton-Terry Family canoe trip Mishkeegogamang-Fire Mishkeegogamang-Fire / Greenstone-Evacuees Cat-Lake-Broadband-Wireless Marten Falls Muskrat-Tower-Site Muskrat head end and various sites of interest Muskrat Tower Site Muskrat Tower Site / secondary_tower_site Cat-Lake-cell-site YICT-2012 Putting the 'last-mile' first FNSSP Community Liaison Summer Workshop 2010 Cat Lake, Kas, Webequie, Fort Hope new sites Cat Lake, Kas, Webequie, Fort Hope new sites / Fort-Hope Cat Lake, Kas, Webequie, Fort Hope new sites / Webequie Cell tower site selection Cat Lake, Kas, Webequie, Fort Hope new sites / Kasabonika cell tower site selection Cat Lake, Kas, Webequie, Fort Hope new sites / Cat Lake Cell tower site selection Cat Lake AKN office KNet Pri Servers Deer Lake 100yr Commemoration Deer Lake 100yr Commemoration FNSSP Visit to Cat Lake First Nation May 26, 2010 Jeff Redsky marries Leilani Kenny - May 15, 2010 Barrie - Point To Point INAC officials visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak and Deer Lake First Nation Knet Library Site Visits Knet Library Site Visits / Dokis Knet Library Site Visits / Whitefish Lake Knet Library Site Visits / Wahgoshig Knet Library Site Visits / Henvey Inlet Knet Library Site Visits / Magnetawan Knet Library Site Visits / Shawanaga Knet Library Site Visits / Wahta Knet Library Site Visits / Wikwemikong Knet Library Site Visits / Sheshegwaning Knet Library Site Visits / Zhiibaahaasing Knet Library Site Visits / Whitefish River Knet Library Site Visits / Pic River Peawanuck Dish Maintenance Round Lake Cell_Feb 5 2009 Santa Parade 2009 Fort Severn cell equipment installation Attawapiskat SCPC Upgrade Peawanuck SCPC Upgrade Martin Falls Sept 10, 2009 Satellite Hub Fort Severn Cellular bldg construction Cat Lake SCPC upgrade Fort Severn SCPC upgrade Poplar Hill Cellular bldg construction Chiefs of Ontario 2009 Lansdowne Headend DMTS-SLKT-Cell-Site Poplar Hill Bell tower Saugeen Health Centre KO_DMTS Telco Shelters Good Life for Young People Koocheching Broadband Project The new Telecom Building and Tower in Keewaywin First Nation Kasabonika Construction of new Cell tower and Telco Shack in North Caribou AKN Grand Opening INAC Education Officials at KO in Balmertown Gathering of Mother Earth - Toronto Rally Koocheching Solar Toronto Bridge and Router Upgrade Native Language Videoconference M'Chigeeng Wireless Marten Falls First Nation school is closed due to numerous problems IntK-Net contributing at UNDP gathering on e-Inclusion and Media for Indigenous Peoples Shamattawa Dishes Re-alignment Lansdowne Fire Ogoki Post re-alignment Attawapiskat dish re-alignment Eabametoong Dish Re-alignment The 7.3M dish in Sioux Lookout is now pointing to the Anik F3 satellite Satellite dish realignment project May long weekend in Sioux Lookout Eel Ground First Nation school's national videoconference on suicide prevention Rocky-Bay-BZA-School Aroland-Suscriber-Unit-Installs Lac-La-Croix Keewaywin & North Caribou visit Broadband local loop planning in Bearskin Lake July-9 Pays-Plat-Connections SOLS Knet-Library-Connectivity-Project SOLS Knet-Library-Connectivity-Project / Iskatewizaagegan-39-First-Nation SOLS Knet-Library-Connectivity-Project / Pikwakanagan-Public-Library Balmertown Network Slate Falls Dish Maintenance Redline-Radio-Mock-up Trango-Radio-Mock-up Whitesands-First-Nation Gull-Bay-First-Nation Youth gathering on Education Youth gathering on Education / test Deer Lake First Nation Youth Canoe K-Net Meet-Me Project at Lakehead University - Updates Greenstone-Trip Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown, Jan 23, 24, 2007 Wawakapewin KA satellite/Wifi Install K-Net Meet-Me Project at Lakehead University KO Chiefs meet in Winnipeg (Dec 5 - 6, 2006) Fort Frances Metis Office (MNO) MNO Fort Frances Metis Office Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown office - Oct 18-20, 2006 Fall 2006 Kejick Bay visit Lansdowne House - SSPA Trouble Lansdowne House - SSPA Trouble / Lansdowne - Old Pictures George Ferreira successfully defends his doctoral thesis - "PARTICIPATORY VIDEO FOR POLICY DEVELOPMENT IN REMOTE ABORIGINAL Ogoki Post - Pad Community Wireless Infrastructure Research Project partners visit K-Net - August 17, 2006 English River canoe trip - Alliah, Denise, Brent, Tom and Brian - August 2006 Denise and Brent Beaton's Adventures in Northwestern Ontario Denise and Brent Beaton's Adventures in Northwestern Ontario / Untitled Denise and Brent Beaton's Adventures in Northwestern Ontario / Day 2 - Travelling to Sioux Lookout and attending the Bannock Bake-off at the Blueberry Festival Denise and Brent Beaton's Adventures in Northwestern Ontario / Day 1 - Arriving in Thunder Bay - Aug 3, 2006 Network Expansion Project 499137 Equipment Protest March in Sioux Lookout to old hostel Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown - July 5, 6, 2006 Wabun Tribal Council, Timmins - 2006-06-16 151 Front Street, Toronto - 2006-06-12 Brian and Lorraine's new home on Abram Lake off of Highway 72 - June 10, 2006 PepTalk video conference meeting with KO and Health Professionals at the University of Toronto - June 6, 2006 Ontario Community Learning Networks Conference - May 25-26, 2006 National Day of Healing and Reconciliation at Pelican Falls memorial National Day of Healing and Reconciliation at Pelican Falls memorial Micheal Gurstein and Fernande Faulkner visit the Kuhkenah Network - May 17-19, 2006 Micheal Gurstein and Fernande Faulkner visit the Kuhkenah Network - May 17-19, 2006 Telesat Canada Reps visit K-Net - April 27, 2006 APEC TEL 2006 conference presentation - visit http://knet.ca/APEC for more information about this event APEC TEL 2006 conference presentation - visit http://knet.ca/APEC for more information about this event Sioux Lookout Library - 2006-04-12 Interview with Garnet Angeconeb regarding Telehealth Untitled Health Canada team announces funding support for KO Telehealth - Feb 8, 2006 Metis Nation of Ontario team visit K-Net, Jan 30-31, 2006 Roger Howse, INAC Education, Ottawa Headquarters and KO team visit North Caribou Lake FN - Feb 1, 2006 Koocheching Ka band/Wireless install Slate Falls Ka Band Satellite Dish Install Untitled The KO Banner Project - Suicide Prevention work The KO Banner Project - Suicide Prevention work NICSN technical team meet for KA-Band Training from XplorNet - Dec 7, 2005 Construction of the back-up generator shed is underway - Nov 18, 2005 Governor General attends feast for Kashechewan FN evacuees in Ottawa, Nov 10, 2005 pictures of Chalise Sienna Gordon and Jordan Tyler Kenny Chalise Sienna Gordon - born October 14, weighing in at 9lbs 8.5 oz - Thunder Bay, Ontario Menoyawin funding announcement - Sept 13, 2005 Community Telehealth Coordinator video shot in Balmertown and Sandy Lake Fort Hope - 2005-08-15 Alliah and Jordan at Fort William First Nation powwow - July 1, 2005 Stefanie and Shawn on their prom night - May 27, 2005 Weaving Threads of Healing and the National Day of Reconciliation in Sioux Lookout Keewaytinook Okimakanak team meet with Government of Canada team National Chief Phil Fontaine and Grand Chief Stan Beardy visit KO - March 21, 2005 NAN Youth Role Models 2005 Webequie iDoc Installation - 2005-02-24 The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Dryden, ON - March 2,3, 2005 Completing Final Preparations for the Deer Lake School, December 2004 Keewaytinook Okimakanak celebrates Christmas with the Annual Children's Christmas Party Lorraine Kenny's portage The new e-Centres and KiHS classrooms in KO First Nations Deer Lake IP phone system in operation Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meeting, Thunder Bay, October 5, 6, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Tyendinaga - Sept 27, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Akwesasne Mohawk Nation - Sept 26, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Matachewan - Sept 16, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Wahgoshig - Sept. 16, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Mattagami - Sept 16, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Taykwa Tagamou Nation (New Post) - Sept 15, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Constance Lake - Sept 15, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Gingogaming - Sept 15, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Long Lac 58 - Sept 15, 2005 First Nation Connectivity - K-Net visits - Sept 14 - 30, 2005 / Lake St. Helen First Nation - Sept 14, 2005 Fossil found in Fort Severn - Oct 5, 2004 Alliah Alliah / Untitled Alliah / Alliah picking blueberries - Aug 21, 2004 Free standing tower for wireless radios in Frenchman's Head - Aug 21, 2004 NOMS' Aboriginal Affairs Director Orpah McKenzie meets with KO - Aug 20, 2004 Dr. Levi Obijiofor visits Keewaytinook Okimakanak Muskrat Dam Site Visit - 2005-01-27 Chiefs of Ontario Meeting in Eagle Lake First Nation, June 16, 2005 Satellite Earth Station Fiber - 2004-06-24 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 17 - June 21, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 16 - June 18, 2004 The previous days were spent hooking up some electrical and assembling parts of the LNB assembly. Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 13 - June 15, 2004 Today the dish is swung over to the side for some more assenbly. Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 12 - June 14, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 11 - June 13, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 10 - June 12, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 9 - June 11, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 8 - June 10, 2004 Decals Get installed and Major Component gets Lifted into place Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 7 - June 09, 2004 Prep Work Continues Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 6 - June 08, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 5 - June 7, 2004 (Rain off and on throughout the day has slowed progress a little. Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 4 - June 06, 2004 (June 5 was a rain day) Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 3 - June 04, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 2 - June 03, 2004 Satellite Earth Station Construction and Installation - 2004-06-21 / Day 1 - June 2, 2004 Turning the Corner video showcased in Ottawa Beverly Koski and Richard Hill Wedding Day Pictures Attawapiskat Saugeen Nation Planning for ICTs and Connectivity A group of Maori Post-secondary students meet with K-Net team Kuhkenah Language Conference - March 23, 24 at the Valhalla Inn in Thunder Bay Iqaluit, Nunavet. K-Net Meetings with Health Canada, Cisco and Cygnal Technologies University of Guelph students meeting with KO staff Native Language On-line Conference Planning Committee IP Phones set up in Fort Severn Fort Severn First Nation recognized for innovation at Housing Conference in Thunder Bay Smart Capital launch KO team flys to Fort Albany, Kashechewan and Marten Falls to discuss broadband Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown Health Canada officials meet with KO team Industry Canada officials visit K-Net The Hon. James K. Bartleman, Ontario's Lieutenant Governor visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak Aboriginal Smart Fair Aboriginal Smart Fair - Day 1 (Dec 8, 2003) Video taping K-Net happenings Kevin Pashuk, IT Director - Northern Ontario School of Medicine Partnership Agreement between Oshki-Pimache-0-Win and Lakehead University NORTH Network team visits KO in Balmertown Flying over the Rocky Mountains Dr. Barbara Craig from New Zealand visits K-Net, North Spirit Lake, Keewaywin and Fort Severn via video conference Construction of the K-Net Network and Equipment Maintenance Centre KO Chiefs' Meeting - October 7 & 8, 2003 KO Smart Management Team meeting Shipping SchoolNet computers to Poplar Hill, Deer Lake, Keewaywin, North Spirit Lake and Fort Severn for the Grade 8 Supplementa Community Access Program (CAP) officer visits KO Keewaytinook Okimakanak Board of Directors meeting in Balmertown INAC Minister Robert Nault announces All Weather Road funding Visit to Keewaywin First Nation by Industry Canada guests First Nations SchoolNet Regional Management Organizations (RMOs) Meet via video NanTech Conference 2003 Day 2 NanTech Conference 2003 KANATA Program - Student Exchange. Victoria Linklater Memorial School North Spirit Lake, Ontario Health Canada e-Health Team visits K-Net Services Seven Generations working with Keewaytinook Okimakanak NORTH Network and Keewaytinook Okimakanak partners SchoolNet - RMO - visit to Rocky Bay FN Wawatay Native Communications Society partnering with Keewaytinook Okimakanak SchoolNet - RMO - Visit to Tyendinaga FN SchoolNet - RMO - Visit to Shawanaga FN SchoolNet - RMO Visit to Curve Lake FN Funding for A Research Study on Breast Screening and Northern Ontario Aboriginal Women Pictures of the Keewaywin Community Hall SchoolNet - RMO visit to Six Nations Territory SchoolNet - RMO visit to Six Nations Territory SchoolNet - RMO visit to Six Nations Territory SchoolNet - RMO visit to Moravian of the Thames Delware Nation SchoolNet - RMO visit to Chippewas of Sarnia SchoolNet - RMO visit to Walpole Island First Nation SchoolNet - RMO visit to Chippewas of the Thames First Nation SchoolNet - RMO visit to Oneida First Nation SchoolNet - RMO visit to Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation Webequie Cable Headend - 2003-04-03 Northern Ontario Medical School and Nishnawbe Aski Nation staff meet with Keewaytinook Okimakanak Sioux Lookout Library - 2003-03-27 Celebration of Recognition for students paricipating in the Aboriginal Community Services Worker Program KiHS Presentation at Sudbury conference Garnet Angeconeb and Peggy Sanders receive Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal Water Treatment Plant Operator Training Initiative Announcement Keenan's first b-day Piimagihowin 2003 In Fort Severn Keewaytinook Okimakanak at the NAN Chiefs' Meeting Alliah Turns Four Years Old!! Keewaywin Smart Team Host their 2nd Community ICT Planning Workshops ICT Planning Workshops in Fort Severn - 2003 K-Net and ICA meeting with reps from University of Guelph, Guatemala and Argentina Cathy and Darrin Potter's Family Photo Album First Nations outcomes arising from RICTA meeting Christmas 2002 in Sioux Lookout at the Kenny-Beatons Keewaytinook Okimakanak honours our leaders NSL Christmas Concert Elder's Christmas Breakfast 2002 Have a Happy KO Christmas! Poplar Hill e-Centre host meetings with Chief and Council and Health Canada officials Pelican Falls Dogsled Trip 2005 Federal government officials visit Keewaywin and Sandy Lake Opening of the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network 4th Annual Niigaantige Career Fair Keewaywins 2002 Halloween night. Sioux Mountain School Grand Opening Halloween bingo night in NSL. Jacob Kakegamics Memorial Feast Pictures Sioux Lookout Health Zone Telehealth Workshop Banquet Fort Severn Trip Fort Severn elder opens OFNTSC annual conference using video conferencing KO Telehealth staff attend Canadian Society of Telehealth Annual Conference in Vancouver. pictures for dan Sioux Lookout Local Fibre Optic loop development David Kakegamic Memorial Feast October 2002 Cisco Systems Networking Academy visits KO's Sioux Lookout Office The Barge, Arrives in Fort Severn. Paddling in the traditional territory of the People of the Berens River Fort Severn PSW Workhop NAPS in NSL Fort Severn KIHS Open House 2002 Keewaywins Internet High School Students Ga Wiianiniiganiitamagoyak Children's Centre begins another Head Start program year. Keewaywin health workshop September 10-12 NAN Telecom Technicians meet - Sept 5, 2002 Fire in North Spirit Lake at the Grubshack Store. Keewaywin Welcomes KiHS New Teacher and Students Networking working together. "Respect of Our Children" Walk to Ottawa Slate Falls Satellite Site - 2002-08-27 KiHS Teaching Staff 2002-2003 Potluck supper in NSL K-Net's 10th Anniversary Celebration Opening Ceremonies - Balmertown Getting ready for the K-Net's 10th Anniversary Celebration Deer Lake Hunting Derby - September 17, 2002 KiHS Technician training - in Balmertown Deer Lake Science Camp HOLLYWOOD Deer Lake Remembers September 11, 2001. The Kenny-Beaton trip to the farm 11lbs Walleye Palidia Meekis Memorial Feast Niska Lake Pickeral Challenge 2002 Computers for the Schools Program out of Keewaytinook Okimakanak North Spirit Lake Science Camp Day 1 Keewaywin Bible School July 30, 2002 Aggie Dunsfords Memorial Day In Keewaywin. July 29, 2002. 4th Plane Arriving in Deer Lake 3rd Plane Arriving in Deer Lake 2nd Plane Arriving in Deer Lake First Plane Arriving in Deer Lake Location of fires Deer Lake Evacuation KO Gets Into the Spirit of Norseman Days July 17, 2002 Evacuation in Deer Lake Science Technology Day Camp in Poplar Hill. Keewaywin Community Evacuation Day 2 North Spirit Lake July 17, 2002 Keewaywin Community Evacuation North Spirit Lake July 16, 2002 Science and Technology Day Camp in Fort Severn Fort Severn's Science and Technology Day Camp. Science and Technology Day Camp in Fort Severn Introductions to Summer Students at the E-center Fort Severn & Deer Lake connection Fort Severn & Deer Lake connection Poplar Hill Treaty day games. Keewaywin Well Baby Clinic July 2002 Realignment of dish in Fort Severn Video Conference between Fort Severn and Keewaywin Video Conference between Fort Severn and Keewaywin 2002 Keewaywin's Canada Day Jamboree Fort Severn community clean-up day Aboriginal Day in Deer Lake Industry Canada and Telesat Officials meet in Sioux Lookout S100 Training in NSL First Nations Schoolnet Helpdesk Meeting in Sioux Lookout Deer Lake Headstart Graduation Feast In Deer Lake for the New Borns Keewaywin's Treaty day activities. June13, 2202 Sports Day for North Spirit Lake School. Moving the house in Deer Lake E-Centre Community Development Meeting K.O. Bear Nibinamik First Nation Career Fair June 5/02 Deer Lake Treaty Days Teleopthalmology Demonstrations Feast in Deer Lake North Spirit Lake Teacherage Here are a few pictures taken of the motel teacherage unit that is situated close to Victoria Li Sudbury Trip CPR Training in North Spirit Lake. Keewaywin Earth Day June 2002. Pelican Falls Powwow Deer Lake Band Staff Fishing Derby Keewaywin School's Career Week May 27th to May 31st. Fire-hydrant in NSL cracked up. Spring Hunting Season has begun in Deer Lake C-Band Satellite Space Keewaywin e-centre hooks up a house. KO Chiefs' Meeting (April, 2002) Minoyawin Homemaker Training in North Spirit Lake. May 17th Keewaywin Cribbage Tournament KiHS Principal visits North Caribou Lake First Nation KiHS Principal visits Aroland First Nation Norval Morriseau Tech2002 Conference in Brandon Workshop for KO First Nation Computer Technicians and Multi-Media Producers - Day 3 NAPS Officers visit Head Start in Deer Lake. Workshop for KO First Nation Computer Technicians and Multi-Media Producers - Day 2 Gathering the Telehealth Team together Clinical Training Day Jim Ryder leaves Fort Severn on Solo Dog Sled Expediton NSL bids farewell to the dogs. Dog-sled visit Visitation to Reynold at the Toronto Sick Children's Hospital. Video Conference with the States NSL Winter Games day one Poplar Hill Network - 2002-03-20 Poplar Hill Network KO Board of Directors Meeting in Balmertown Pimagihowin 2002 Visitors to Keewaytinook Okimakanak Healthy Relationships Workshop in Fort Severn - February 27 & 28 North Spirit Lake DOCSIS Cable Installation - 2001-12-01 Kuh-ke-nah SMART Partners Winter Picnic at Little Bear's Beach Smart First Nations Connect Conference - Day 4 Smart First Nations Connect Conference - Day 3 Ice Road is now OPEN. First Nations Connect Conference Displays Keewaywin Cable Installation - 2002-02-13 Keewaywin Cable Installation Diabetes check in North Spirit Lake. Smart First Nations Connect Conference - Afternoon. Telehealth Demonstration in Balmertown Smart First Nations Connect Conference North Spirit Lakes first plane to land on the ice. Friday afternoon crafttime at the school. Keewaywin connects to Koocheching by winter road. Telehealth has arrived in Poplar Hill! Fort Severn ICT Band Admin & Ec. Dev. Planning - Third Day of Workshop Fort Severn FEAST - Day 2 of SMART Workshop Checking out the net in North Spirit Lake. Fort Severn ICT Health Planning Workshop - First Full Day Completion of the Poplar Hill DOCSIS Plant - 2002-01-30 Wahsa DEC pictures The Smart program feast in Poplar Hill Poplar Hill ICT Education Planning Workshop Poplar Hill ICT Health Planning Workshop Poplar Hill ICT Planning Workshop - Day 1 Getting Ready for Telehealth at the Zone Hospital This morning, James Rae, and Darlene Rae went to Darlene's place to test out a cable modem to see if it was compatible to use i Keewaywin gets cable hookup by Blair Electronics January 28,2002. Keewaywin Winter Road. Dr. Adams comes to Keewaywin. KO Chiefs Meeting Tyler Meekis creation with snow scupluring on December 16, 2001 in North Spirit Lake. Poplar Hill E-Centre guests And also Poplar Hill feast at the church. Pelican Falls Students return to North Spirit Lake on the 16th of December 2001 Poplar Hill Ladies Night. (to go shopping at the northern store) (Ladies Night) Oshki Pimache-O-Win Grand Opening It's a Deer Lake Christmas - 2001 North Spirit Lake First Aid and CPR Training. Keewaywin First Nation School's Christmas Supper. Dec. 13, 2001 North Spirit Lake Christmas concert School Christmas Concert In Fort Severn Northern Chiefs Christmas Float Community feast in North Spirit Lake for Smart Workshop. Smart Team Working Together in NSL Family Fun Night(National Addictions Awareness Week - Fort Severn) North Spirit Lake Smart Workshops Happenings at the Poplar Hill e-Centre Smart First Nations Demonstration Project - Deer Lake Workshop DAY 4 Deer Lake's traditional teaching lodge North Spirit Gets Internet access at homes Rewiring the network cable at the clinic in North Spirit Lake. KiHS Steering Committee Meetings - Nov. 27-28, 2001 The Deer Lake Smart Feast Smart First Nations Demonstration Project - Deer Lake Workshop DAY 1 Just some pictures! Drug Awareness Healthy Babies Blair Electronic in NSL Keewaywin First Nation 16th Annual Community Feast. 2001 Keewaywin Band Staff Party 2001. Keewaywin School's Annual Christmas Concert 2001. Deer Lake Cable Upgrade - 2001-11-07 Keewaywin Health Clinic's Christmas Party Keewaywin Community Feast December 11th, 2001 Susan Owen PHO IP Phones in Slate Falls (Oct 2001) Halloween in Deer Lake House Fire First Nations Governance Act Information Session -Oct. 23, 24, 25, 2001 KiHS Art Gallery - AVI10 Last day of the Smart Workshop Keewaywin Governance Workshop Kuh-ke-nah Smart Project Workshop Keewaywin Community Feast Kah-ke-nah Smart First Nations Demonstration Project - KeewaywinWorkshop Visit to North Spirit Lake First Nation North Spirit Lake Deer Lake Hydro Dam E-centre located in North Spirit Lake Halloween in Keewaywin Barge coming into Fort Severn Brian's 48th birthday party flu shots National Day of Mourning Fort Severn First Nation Meetings and Events Deer Lake First Nation Meetings Sarah Meekis Memorial Feast in Deer Lake First Nation Keewaywin E-Center Serena's Wilderness Canoe Adventure Berens / Poplar River Wilderness Canoe Adventure to Lake Winnipeg Fort Severn Cable Upgrade - 2001-08-26 Fort Severn Cable Upgrade North Spirit Lake Telehealth Pictures (Equipment testing, news stories and other information) Computers for Conf College ATA program Workshop - Day 2 The Mothers (and their children) of Fort Severn Maxwear - Ed Wesley Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee Stefanie's 14th Birthday KO Telehealth Team Meeting - July 25, 2001 Building a DOCSIS cable plant Building a DOCSIS cable plant - 2001-07-19 Sioux Lookout Celebrations Kuh-ke-nah Launch Preparations Keewaywin Kuh-ke-nah launch Frame-Relay Service in Keewaywin - 2000-12-05 Fort Severn VSAT Project - 2000-11-21 The Keewaytinook Okimakanak Balmertown Office - 2000-10-29 Frame-Relay Service in North Spirit Lake - 2000-10-25 The 3.8m VSAT Dish in Sioux Lookout - 2000-10-22 LTTA in Poplar Hill - KiHS Gull Bay First Nation Gull Bay First Nation / Gull Bay visit 2 Ontario First Nations Schoolnet Website Training Workshop Day 1 Staff Party at the Deer Lake Children's Center FEAST Ribbon Cutting Kuh-ke-nah Launch Presentations Kuh-ke-nah Launch - Office Mingling Kuh-he-nah Launch Morning SmartCity Summit - April 29, 30, 2003 in Ottawa Ramtel Training - 2003-04-12 Poplar Hill Sasquatch Hunt Smart Communities Meeting - Ottawa, April 27, 28, 2003 Poplar Hill Students in Action Sioux Lookout Health Zone Health Workshop - Day 1 (p.m.) Frame-Relay Upgrade - 2003-04-08 NORTH Network Strategic Planning Workshop NADF's "Virtual" Small Business Development Training Workshops NNEC Visit to North Spirit Lake e-Centre Family visit that took place July 20/01 Poplar Hill Community Pictures North Spirit Lake SMART Grand Opening Access 2002 Conference in Windsor Telehealth Workshop - Day 2 (p.m.) Construction of the Koocheching Tower and Telecom Building Rick Leon Meekis Memorial Canoe Trip (Summer 2001) Donald Kakegamic's Birthday Pictures Video production with Tikinagan Slate Falls students Kuh-ke-nah Network (K-Net) Information Information about the tragedy at Nibinamik First Nation Jesse&Angies wedding National Day of Action 2008 Mishkeegogamang Video Festival Pelican2002 - Sunday, May 26, 2002 Pelican2002 - Wednesday, May 29 Lorraine Kenny pictures General News Clippings On-Demand Book Service (ODBS) Project Video conference meeting with National Chief Matthew Coon Come Deer Lake Hunting Derby, September 18, 2002. Untitled Pictures to be Shared with KO Staff Poplar Hill New Northern Grand Opening. Stef's First Hockey Game Broadband Network Development Kuh Ke Nah Launch In Fort Severn KO Calendar '08 Keewaywin Highlights Photos of Community happenings. Map of First Nations across Northern Ontario Geordi's birthday The K-Net Server Farm - 2000-11-28 Frame-Relay Service in Deer Lake - 2000-10-23 Weagamow Lake Satellite Site - 2002-11-25 Smart Workshop Photos 1999 Jesse Terry summits Mount Rainier Brian, Clayton & Tom's Wilderness Canoe Trip - Sept 19 - 29, 2001 IP Video in Fort Severn - 2000-11-18 NOMS team visits Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telemanagement - The Angus Report on Business Telecommunications in Canada - May and June 2002 stories Rat Portage Traditional Powwow July, 2004 CN Tower tour with Darlene Rae, and Madeleine Stoney. February 1, 2003 Opening of Menoyawin Health Centre on Oct 16, 2010 Opening of Menoyawin Health Centre on Oct 16, 2010 / 2010-10-16-Menoyawin-opening Equay-wuk (Women's Group) Working Group Meeting May 1 & 2, 2002 Visit to Poplar Hill by K-Net staff and Guests from British Columbia Keewaytinook Okimakanak's new Accord video bridge Deer Lake Construction project KIHS Grand Opening (click here for more info & pictures) KiHS Science class in Fort Severn Twenty-five pages of stories about the Kuhkenah Network of Smart First Nations Smart Communities demonstration project Fort Severn Traditional Territories and Activities. Trip to Cumberland August 20 to 24, 2003 Trip to Cumberland August 20 to 24, 2003 / Alliah and Jordan on the farm during the August 2003 trip Trip to Cumberland August 20 to 24, 2003 / Pictures of the Family Farm, August 2003 Trip to Cumberland August 20 to 24, 2003 / Family Pictures from August 22-24, 2003 Trip To Cumberland Fort Hope Tower Poplar Hill treaty day distribution. KiHS Classroom: Frenchman's Head Trip to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Feb 3 to 7, 2007 - Connecting NWT Conference Trip to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Feb 3 to 7, 2007 - Connecting NWT Conference / Day 1 - Feb 3 - Travelling and touring Yellowknife, NWT Trip to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Feb 3 to 7, 2007 - Connecting NWT Conference / Day 2 - Feb 4 - Visiting different sites around Yellowknife Ginoogaming, Long Lake, Aroland, Constance Lake Ginoogaming, Long Lake, Aroland, Constance Lake / Aroland Ginoogaming, Long Lake, Aroland, Constance Lake / Ginoogaming Ginoogaming, Long Lake, Aroland, Constance Lake / Long Lake 58 Ginoogaming, Long Lake, Aroland, Constance Lake / Long Lac Ginoogaming, Long Lake, Aroland, Constance Lake / Constance Lake Hudson and Frenchman's head tower work Koocheching Canopy rebuild K-Net visitors from Austria, Kenora and Fort Frances 151 Front St 151 Front St / Rack 72 151 Front St / Rack 74 151 Front St / Extra Telco Gear (obsolete) 162 Cedar, Timmins - 2006-06-15 2nd Annual National Connecting Aboriginal Canadians Forum - March 24 to 26, 2003. 62 Frood Road, Sudbury - 2006-06-14 Aboriginal Children's Coordinated Services Adam Beach Visits K-Net Attawapiskat Cable Head End Band Office and Gym burned down in Poplar Hill Bible school week in Poplar Hill, July 22-25/02. Big Dish - 2004-10-25 Building the K-Net Satellite Network Management System (NMS) - 2003-05-30 Canadian Rangers award medals to members in Fort Severn Cat Lake School Network Install Celebrity Visits Keewaywin Telehealth Suite! Cellular Training Cellular Training / Cell Equipment Charter to Ogoki Post Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Kenora, June 21, 22, 2005 Converting the C-Band Dish Dan Pellerin and Jeannie Carpenter meet with the UN. Datavan Workshop Deer Lake Cable Upgrade Dentist Visits Keewaywin For The First Time. Docs North Film Bootcamp e-Centre Planning Session EHealth Installs EHealth Installs / Long-Lake-58 EHealth Installs / Gull-Bay EHealth Installs / Pays-Plat EHealth Installs / Eagle-Lake EHealth Installs / Atikokan EHealth Installs / Batchewana EHealth Installs / Chapleau Cree EHealth Installs / Ginoogaming EHealth Installs / Longlac EHealth Installs / Marten Falls EHealth Installs / Mattagami EHealth Installs / Midland EHealth Installs / MNO Dryden EHealth Installs / MNO North Bay EHealth Installs / MNO Timmins EHealth Installs / New Post EHealth Installs / Sheshegwaning EHealth Installs / Temagami EHealth Installs / Temagami First Nation Health Centre EHealth Installs / Wabigoon EHealth Installs / Wahgoshig EHealth Installs / Wingham Elders visiting with each other July 23Johnny Rae and Moyen Kakepetum. Evacuation in Deer Lake Fort Severn Video Festival Grand Opening and Open House for Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Centre of Excellence! Health Workshop Home connection in NSL. IT Hero Award Luncheon Joe Morrison and Mary Alice Smith - July 13, 2002 - Kenora, ON K.O. Kids Christmas Party - December 7, 2001 Kasabonika Satellite Site - 2002-11-25 Keewaytinook Internet High School in Poplar Hill Keewaywin Cell Site (updated Dec2009) Keewaywin Community Technician Head out to Koocheching Keewaywin KiHS classroom Keewaywin School Network Install Keewaywin's Councillor Silas Kakegamics birthday party Kevin Pashuk - IT Director, Northern Ontario School of Medicine KI Rally in Kenora KiHS Classroom: Keewaywin and Community Shots KiHS first day of class in Deer Lake KiHS North Spirit Lake Feb. 6/03 KiHS Prepare for the start of the 2002-2003 School Year KO 10th Anniversary celebration in Fort Severn KO Telehealth Presentation at FNHIS Workshop KO Telehealth Project at the Nurses-In-Charge Workshop Kuh-ke-nah Planning Meetings Kuh-ke-nah Smart e-Centres Lac Seul Homecoming - Saturday August 24, 2002 Lands and Resources Media training March 2002 The Dogsled Expedition. May snow storm in Sioux Lookout Mishkeegogamang Health Center Fiber Muskrat Dam Re-Alignment Muskrat Dam Tower New Post North Spirit Lake celebrates K.O's 10th anniversary along with other SMART communities. North Spirit Lake Phase 1 Evacuation. North Spirit Lake Science-Camp day 2 North Spirit Lake Smart Centre North Spirit School Install Northern Ontario First Nations Communications Conference NSL Bell Cell Tower Pics NSL Computer Technician Dale Jack. Ontario RMO First Nation SchoolNet On-line Content Development initiatives Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Day One: Flying to Wapekeka First Nation, paddling to the end of Angling Lake, portaging over to the Otter River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Maps of the Route from Angling Lake to Otter Lake to Otter River to Fawn River to Severn River to Fort Severn and Fishing on the Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Two on the Otter River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Three on the Otter River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Four on the Otter River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Five on the Otter and paddling into the Fawn Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Six on the Fawn River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Seven on the Fawn River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Eight on the Fawn River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Nine and wind bound on the Fawn River for the entire day Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Ten on the Fawn paddling onto the GREAT Severn River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Start of Day Eleven on the Severn River Paddling in the Traditional Territory of the People of Wapekeka and Fort Severn First Nation / Fishing on the Hudson Bay coast at the end of Day Eleven after a GREAT Wilderness Canoe Adventure!! Paddling the Sturgeon and theTawatinaw River systems - September 20 - 25, 2004 Paddling the Sturgeon and theTawatinaw River systems - September 20 - 25, 2004 / Day 1 - Monday, September 20, 2004 - Setting out on the Sturgeon River Paddling the Sturgeon and theTawatinaw River systems - September 20 - 25, 2004 / Day 2 - Sept 21 - Following the Sturgeon River to Singapore Lake Paddling the Sturgeon and theTawatinaw River systems - September 20 - 25, 2004 / Day 3 - Sept 22, 2004 - Paddling upstream on the Tawatinaw River system Paddling the Sturgeon and theTawatinaw River systems - September 20 - 25, 2004 / Day 4 - Sept 23, 2004 - moving along the Tawatinaw Paddling the Sturgeon and theTawatinaw River systems - September 20 - 25, 2004 / Day 5 - Sept 24 - arriving at Lewis Lake pick up spot Peawanuck dish re-alignment Pickle Lake and Osnaburgh - 2003-05-05 Poplar Hill Community Engagement Workshop Review Poplar Hill Social Gathering feast. Recreation's Cribbage tournament Roger Vallery, MP S100 forest fire training in Poplar Hill SchoolNet - RMO - visit to Constance Lake FN SchoolNet - RMO Visit to Alderville FN Science Technology Day Camp in Poplar Hill. Science Technology Day Camp in Poplar Hill. Serena's 16th Birthday Party Server Facility Electrical Panel Upgrade Sioux Lookout Fiber - 2002-11-05 Sioux Lookout ladies canoe-a-thon - August, 2010 Sioux Lookout Library Slate Falls First Nation turned on their fibre network connection moving off their satellite service Smart First Nations Demonstration Project - Deer Lake Workshop DAY 2 Switches in Toronto Telehealth Demonstration Telehealth Launches During 10th Anniversary Celebration in Balmertown! Telehealth Ontario The Centre - Dryden The Delta St. Eugene Mission Resort in Cranbrook BC The Honourable Robert Nault meets KO Chiefs in Balmertown Treaty Day in North Spirit Lake. Upgrade to ASR9600 in Toronto User Albums User Albums / angusmiles User Albums / anthonykoostachin User Albums / anthonykoostachin / Big-Trout-Lake User Albums / anthonykoostachin / Sachigo Lake User Albums / anthonykoostachin / Round Lake User Albums / anthonykoostachin / Slate Falls User Albums / anthonykoostachin / Lansdowne House User Albums / brianbeaton User Albums / brianbeaton / Kenny-Beaton 2007 Canoe Adventure User Albums / brianbeaton / Canoe trip with the Terry's, Kenny-Beatons and other family and friends User Albums / brianbeaton / Christmas 2007 at the Kenny-Beatons User Albums / brianbeaton / Christmas 2007 at the Kenny-Beatons / Xmas morning at the Kenny-Beatons User Albums / brianbeaton / Christmas 2007 at the Kenny-Beatons / Christmas morning, playing outside User Albums / brianbeaton / Family canoe trip paddling from Lewis Lake back to Sioux Lookout (6 days) User Albums / brianbeaton / Journey on the Hudson Bay lowlands along Sutton River User Albums / brianbeaton / Leilani's New Home in Kenora (Aug 1, 2007) User Albums / Elections Ontario Poll Worker Training User Albums / Gallery Administrator User Albums / Gallery Administrator / Beading Circle User Albums / Gallery Administrator / Poplar Hill KIHS User Albums / jamieray User Albums / jamieray / Mishkeegogamang-Fire User Albums / Jesse Lawson User Albums / Jesse Lawson / K-Net-POP User Albums / Jesse Lawson / K-Net-POP / EagleLake User Albums / Jesse Lawson / K-Net-POP / EagleLake / HealthCentre User Albums / Jesse Lawson / K-Net-POP / EagleLake / MigisiSahgaiganSchool User Albums / Jesse Lawson / K-Net-POP / EagleLake / BandOffice User Albums / Jesse Lawson / K-Net-POP / EagleLake / WaterTower User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Cable Plants User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Cable Plants / Poplar Hill Cable Plant User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Co-Locations User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Co-Locations / Dryden DMTS User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Co-Locations / Dryden DMTS / Old Co-Location Cage User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Co-Locations / Dryden DMTS / New Co-Location Cage User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Schools By Community User Albums / Jesse Lawson / Schools By Community / Wunnumin Lake School User Albums / jessefiddler User Albums / jessefiddler / Jesse and Angie Fiddler's Wedding User Albums / jessefiddler / More pictures of Jesse and Angie's Wedding User Albums / kirstygreene User Albums / michaelmak User Albums / michaelmak / ELDER Project: Pikangikum Experience! User Albums / primitivetribe User Albums / calkenny User Albums / calkenny / Video meeting with Representative from the Ministry of the Attorney General Video production and editing training in Sioux Lookout VideoCom Film Festival Wabun Network Equipment Wapekeka First Nation School Weagamow Lake Bias-T Repairs Matawa Youth Empowerment Conference ICAmericas / ELON Remote Community Wireless Network Initiative Industry Canada First Nations SchoolNet and FedNor officials visit Slate Falls and Weagamow First Nations - Nov 15, 2006 Alliah and Jordan's adventures in Sioux Lookout - July, 2006 Alliah and Jordan's adventures in Sioux Lookout - July, 2006 / Day 1 - June 30, 2006 Alliah and Jordan's adventures in Sioux Lookout - July, 2006 / Day 2 - July 1 - Canada Day Alliah and Jordan's adventures in Sioux Lookout - July, 2006 / Day 3 - July 2 Alliah and Jordan's adventures in Sioux Lookout - July, 2006 / Day 3 - July 3 Metis Nation of Ontario team visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak during their visits to local MNO office to install video conferencing Airport Fibre Break 2002 Keewaywin's Canada Day Jamboree A1 Poplar Hill - Grade 8 Baby bottle contest Baibombeh Anishinabe School Bannock Bakeoff 2011 Bearskin Lake Tower Bill Mamakeesic Memorial Day. Brian Beaton - Going away party Brian's pictures from the early 50's to 60's Cable Plant Training Cable Plant Training - Day 1 Cambrian College and Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute sign Partnership Agreement Chiefs Meeting - August 20 Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Winnipeg, June 2010 Chris Mckay - Repairing Keyboards, One Laptop Per Child Clovis Jobe Rae's Memorial Feast. Completion of the Poplar Hill DOCSIS Plant Conduit partners and office in Thunder Bay Connecting North Spirit Lake to the internet using the cable modems. Construction - 2003-12-05 Cooking Dale Beaton's Birthday Party David's personal album. Deer Lake 09.19.02 Deer Lake 2001 - The place to be for Christmas Deer Lake Celebrates KO's 10th anniversary Deer Lake cell equipment installation. Deer Lake CleanUp Day DEER LAKE E CENTRE(temporary) Deer Lake Fall Feast Deer Lake Grade 8 Graduation Deer Lake Grade Nine Students Deer Lake Nursing Station Data Connection to the Zone Hospital - 2000-12-05 Deer Lake Play Day Dryden Co-Location Space DVB Upgrade - 2003-10-01 Economic development planning in Poplar Hill Eel Ground First Nation School presents why they are an Innovative School Elijah Harper visits KO's Balmertown office - Aug 19, 2004 FedNor Funding Announcement Fire across of North Spirit Lake. First Nation SchoolNet youth employment initiative supporting videoconferencing in tribal councils First Nations Women in Leadership Fort Hope Cellular Repair Fort Seven Cable Plant Fort Severn Community Economic Development Strategic Planning Sessions 2002 Fort Severn Dish Re-alignment Fort Severn Geese Visit KO Sanctuary on Trip South! Fort Severn ICT Education Planning - Second Day of Workshop Fort Severn Polar Bear Cubs Fort Severn Satellite Upgrade - 2004-10-21 Fort Severn's Halloween Event Garnet's Journey Good Life Benefit Dinner Industry Canada Director General visits Sioux Lookout and Slate Falls Installation of the C-Band Satellite Dish in Cat Lake First Nation Installing the Cable Network in Poplar Hill Jordan Kenny Photo Albums Jordan Kenny Photo Albums / Halloween 2003 Jordan Kenny Photo Albums / Halloween 2003 / Untitled Jordan Kenny Photo Albums / Jordan's Birthday - Oct 23, 2003 - Number ONE Jordan Kenny Photo Albums / Serena 18 birthday - October 4, 2003 K-Net hosts live online videoconference from Northern Ontario Women's Leadership Forum K-Net technical participate in IP Telephony training session K.O's smart community manager. Les Meekis visits Keewaywin K.O. Children's Christmas Party - December 13, 2003 Kah-Ke-Nah Smart Project Keewaywin Education Workshop Day Three Kativik Regional Government meet with KO at the Education Network of Ontario Keewaytinook Okimakanak celebrates 10 years. Keewaytinook Okimakanak participates in Assembly of First Nations trade show Keewaytinook Okimakanak participates in Assembly of First Nations trade show / Untitled Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Xmas float -2003 Keewaywin cable head end equipment Keewaywin Evacuees in Sioux Lookout Keewaywin Gets Home. Keewaywin Minoyawin Homemaker Training. Keewaywins Recreation & Jamboree Committees fundraising KiHS Computer Preparations - Aug 2001 kiHS Staff Training - 2004/2005 KO Chiefs meet in Thunder Bay KO Telehealth Readiness Day in Balmertown KOTM Elders Gathering Kuh-ke-nah Network Smart Communities News Articles Linkstar Evaluation LTTA in Poplar Hill Luncheon at the K-Net office M'Chigeeng Matachewan Max Kakegamic Memorial - Four years and still waiting for justice Minister Nault Visits Deer Lake Minoyawin Homemaker Training In Fort Severn Nishnawbe Aski Nation Commemoration Ceremonies of the signing of Treaty Number Nine in Mishkeegogamang First Nation on July 12, NNEC Bachelor of Education Opening North Spirit Lake Cellular bldg construction North Spirit Lake DOCSIS Cable Installation Northern Nishnawbe Education Council Technicians preparing to develop video conferencing network Northern Saskatchewan team travel to Balmertown for meetings NSL E-Centre Moves. NSL KIHS Opening Day. NSL Suicide Prevetion workshop. Nutrition Bingo in Keewaywin by the Diabetes, Nutrition and Healthy Babies Programs Obedjiwan, Quebec installation - 2005-10-30 OLT Project Officer tours Deer Lake First Nation Ontario's Smart Systems for Health Agency team visits K-Net to discuss connectivity in First Nations Open nights at the e centre at Poplar Hill. Opening of the Deer Lake School - January 13, 2005 Osnaburgh - 2004-12-14 Our Community Technician Hooking up houses Peawanuck Cable Head End Peawanuck/Weenusk Peetabeck Academy in Fort Albany Pelican2002 - Monday, May 27, 2002 Pelican2002 - Saturday, May 25, 2002 Pelican2002 - Tuesday, May 28 Pickle Lake - Troubleshooting Lightning Damage Poplar Hill Business Centre Poplar Hill Cable Break - 2003-05-15 Poplar Hill Cable Training Poplar Hill Diabetes Workshop Poplar Hill DOCSIS Equipment Installed Poplar Hill DOCSIS Equipment Installed - 2001-12-11 Poplar Hill First Nation Christmas Feast and some other pictures. Poplar Hill grade 8 Gaduation Poplar Hill Kindergarten Graduation Presentation on Law and Crime held in North Spirit Lake School and Keewaytinook Internet High School. RMO visit to Fort Severn Roy Morris exhibition at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery - My Great Grandmother's Gifts Sachigo Lake Saugeen School SchoolNet - RMO visit to Kettle and Stoney First Nations Science and Technology Day Camp in Fort Severn Serena Kenny and her new baby Jordan Tyler Sky Kenny Sioux Lookout TDMA Upgrade - 2002-11-13 Sioux Lookout Zone First Nations Telehealth Workshop skyromanpascal Slate Falls SCPC upgrade Smart First Nations Connect Conference - Morning Smart First Nations Demonstration Project - Deer Lake Workshop DAY 3 Smart Team Members meet via video conference Smart Workshop - August 13 - 17, 2001 Telehealth has arrived in Keewaywin! Telehealth Planning Meeting - June 28, 2001 Telehealth Workshop - Day 2 (a.m.) Telehealth workstation now installed in Deer Lake! Telehealth workstations arrive at the North Spirit Lake nursing station. Telemedicine suite installed in Fort Severn Nursing Station Ten First Nation women graduate from the KO Home and Community Care program with a Personal Support Worker (PSW) certificate The new KO C-Band Satellite Network Operations Centre setup - Aug 20, 2004 The Sasquatch are in Bloom in Fort Severn Thunder Bay, Lakehead University, Braun Building Tom 52nd B-Day Toronto Conference for the Library. Visiting the farm after burying my father Wabshki Penasi School Washaho School - Fort Severn First Nation Wawakapewin Broadband Project Wawakapewin SCPC upgrade Weagamow Lake - 2004-11-30 Weagamow Lake Cell Site Weagmow Lake White Fish Lake Canoe Trip Winnipeg Psychiatrist visits Keewaywin Workshop for KO First Nation Computer Technicians and Multi-Media Producers Search in sub-albums