April 8, 2003 Pictures to explain the frame-relay upgrade of the Linkway terminal and Cisco ubr7223 router.

The router and Linkway terminal connected by frame-relay.
The other end of the cabe connected to port 0 of the port adapter card. The 2 screws on the cable should be tightened hand tight
One end of the cable attached to the frame-relay card. The shape of the connector allows the cable to be connected in one partic
The cables.
The frame-relay card slides in plastic rails inside the slot. Once inserted the card is secured with the 4 screws that held the
The Linkway frame-relay card.
Screws and panel removed.
The back of the linkway terminal. The panel to be removed is at the bottom left of the Linkway. It is held in place with 4 small
Once the port adapter card has been inserted all the way, the latch needs to be moved to the lock position.
The panel is replaced with the port adapter card. The card is inserted with the circuitboard facing down.
The port adapter slot is in the second row from the top and on the right hand side of the router. The locking latch needs to be
The PA-4T+ port adapter card.
The Cisco ubr7223 router.