Our Keewaywin Elder went for a dog sled ride with the Dogsled Expedition. It was one great experience to relive old memories.

And heres Freddie getting the snowmoble ready to take The Donald home.
Here he is thanking one the expedition members. Giving him a handshake.
Getting him comfortable. It was an exciting day for him and the Keewaywin students also had the chance to meet all the dogs.
It make you feel pretty good seeing an elder relive his childhood days.
And here is Donald posing with one of the Expedition team members.
And here's Freddie Kakegamic ready to take Donald home. After his dog sled ride.
Another pose. He really enjoyed himself. Said that it really bought back memories.
He is getting helped to get off the sled. I don't think he wants to get out.
Here he is the dog team
The dogs are still hyper after the run. I guess they are trying to cool them down
And heres the dog team that Donald took.
Oops another photo of Donald coming or going though?
Just a view of one of the Keewaywin students.
Here they come. He was just talking about this ride, when ever i see Donald
And there here