Dakota House, an aboriginal actor who is best known for his role as Teevee
Tenia on North of 60 was in Keewaywin as a guest speaker for grade 8
graduation. While he was in Keewaywin, our Community Telehealth
Coordinator, Ida Fiddler offered to show hi
- Donna Williams, Regional Telehealth Coordinator in Balmertown, listens to Dakota's heart beat all the way from Keewaywin!
- Ida Fiddler checking to see if Dakota House really has a heart!
- Telehealth demonstration between Keewaywin and Balmertown. Donna Williams and Gibbet Stevens on larger monitor in Balmertown.
- Dakota House with Ida Fiddler, Telehealth Coordinator for Keewaywin, observing telehealth equipment in action!