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(2683) aag
(2621) Just look at all that food.
(2532) The crowds getting smaller,soon I shall have my meal.
(2521) aak
(2471) The food, before anybody showed up.
(2459) Even the kids got to meet their teachers at the feast.
(2392) This little guy wanted his picture taken.
(2324) More and more people show up.Save me at least a hamberger please.
(2316) Some of the teacher's that came,it was nice out too.
(2297) Chief Patrick in attendance.
(2282) This is where it all happen.
(2267) day2-e
(2218) This is the line up for a bite to eat. I waited my turn, always at the end of the line.
(2136) Are you sure you did'nt order these from pizza hut? they look so real.
(2128) abs