Keewaywin party and teleconfernce call live from Balmertown
- Even during the party our regular kids who come in after school came to enjoy the cake. Oh man the cake didnt even last long and
- And the parties on the way.
- kinda dark in here no candles
- Our teleconference call live from the party in Balmertown. Here we are doing our own party baloons and all
- Steve Kakegamic in front of the cake *hurry up and cut the cake, i want some.*
- There our Deputy chief Joe Meekis sitting on the left. and more guests
- OOO we have guests. Our community members and staff were on hand to celebrate our 10th anniversary
- Blue on the right and Anthony on the left waiting for our teleconference call from Balmertown.
- Here we have balloons and cake and food. Yum yum
- Keewaytinooks 10th aniversary party in Keeewaywin