Home [23030]
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- Taking final measurements at various end points around the community.
- A downstream S/N ratio of 38.5dB and a bit error
- A loose test cable caused an increase in the bit error (
- Another leg of the cable system ends near the Bell building.
- The call quality using an ip phone is excellent. The latency of the satellite hop causes some delay.
- The cable headend equipment. The upconverter is in the left most rack at the very top. The other equipment are satellite receive
- The ip phone in it's new home at the Northern Chiefs office in Fort Severn.
- The satellite rack, uBR7223, cable registration server and DirecPC box (K-Net Router).
- The Band Office, Nursing Station, KIHS classroom and school are fed via ethernet.
- The main amplifier tuned and closed up.
- The uBR7223 is now the routing all traffic. The satellite modems are connected via serial cables to the uBR7223.
- A closeup of the uBR7223 connections. The console and aux ports are connected to the RSM-3 for remote access.