Home [23030]

First videoconference session using a Polycom SP attached to a cable modem.
A DOCSIS cable plant on one table. The Cable Network Registration server is to the left with a number of cable modems on top. I
Closeup of the routing equipment. The Cisco 2621 is configured to provide a simulated T1 frame-relay connection to the uBR7223.
The cable headend equipment. The upconverter is in the left most rack at the very top. The other equipment are satellite receive
The ip phone in it's new home at the Northern Chiefs office in Fort Severn.
The satellite rack, uBR7223, cable registration server and DirecPC box (K-Net Router).
The Band Office, Nursing Station, KIHS classroom and school are fed via ethernet.
The main amplifier tuned and closed up.
Taking final measurements at various end points around the community.
A downstream S/N ratio of 38.5dB and a bit error
A loose test cable caused an increase in the bit error (