Home / Deer Lake Cable Upgrade [66]
- abk
- The cable modem feeding the day care center.
- Talking to Darlene in North Spirit Lake.
- abh
- Cable modems installed at the Nursing Station.
- abc
- Speaks for itself....
- Cory Meekis troubleshooting the modem that wouldn't lock an upstream signal.
- A video conference between the Deer Lake Nursing Station and Deer Lake Bandoffice.
- The Cisco 2621 in the principals office provides access to the K-Net frame relay network.
- Listening to streaming music videos.
- Corey Meekis working at his desk.
- Oscar Meekis at his desk.
- November 7, 2001 at 12:10PM. Snow is falling in Deer Lake.
- aaz