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Benjamin poses for the camera. Tyreek and Hayden are playing with the dinosaurs.
Jaylene is playing with the puppy and its kennel.
Dwight and Darius at the Lego table.
Garcia and Gavin playing with foam blocks.
Hannah and Gavin playing with puzzles.
Children playing with toys and making new friends.
Fort Severn Band office (on the right) and Nursing station
Jamie Monastyrski, OFNTSC Communications Officer, chairing the opening ceremonies
The drum group as seen from Fort Severn
Conference participants watching and listening to Fort Severn guests
Opening ceremonies at the conference continues with drumming and Chief Roberta Jamieson of Six Nations welcoming the guests to t
Elder Elijah Stoney opening the OFNTSC conference with a prayer
The Fort Severn Chief and Council office and video conferencing unit
Chief George Kakekaspan and elder Elijah Stoney watching the opening of the OFNTSC Annual Conference
Elder Elijah Stoney waiting at the Fort Severn Band office