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- NADF Business Training Videoconference - October 31, 2002 - Wawatay News
- Opening of OFNTSC annual conference by Fort Severn Chief and Elder - Oct 31, 2002 Wawatay News
- Jacqueline Garwood of Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute and Mike Fox of Nishnawbe-Aski Development Fund discu
- Aboriginal Youth Achievment Award winners
- Guest speaker Susan Aglukark applauded the career fair and the youth
- Committee members enjoying the Achievement Award evening
- Master of ceremonies Dave Jones at the Achievemnt Awards
- Aboriginal Youth Achievement Award winners
- Susan Aglukark singing to the students and participants of the career fair
- Committee member Meladina Hardy thanks Susan for her presentation
- Students had the opportunity to speak with presenters about different careers
- Norm Sakamoto instucts the class on the importance of self-disipline
- Treaty 3 Grand Chief Leon Jourdain, NAN Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic and Anishinabek Nation Grand Chief Vern Roote present
- Special guest former NHL coach Ted Nolan congradulated the youth achievers
- NAN Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic spoke to the youth at the Achievement Awards