Home [23030]
- The future location for the Aperto units and the 100Mb microwave link to Vickers Street on the Library roof. The TBayTel Vickers
- Darryl MacArthur of TBayTel. Crescive and Lakehead University wireless equipment in the background.
- The Aperto equipment on the roof of the Library at Lakehead University. The apartment building in the background is Academy, one
- The future location for the Aperto units and the 100Mb microwave link to Vickers Street on the Library roof.
- The Aperto equipment on the roof of the Library at Lakehead University. The apartment building in the background is Academy, one
- K-Net equipment installed in the rack at Lakehead University.
- The ORANO POP at Lakehead University.
- The Crescive switch one floor above the room containing K-Net equipment. A CAT5 cross-connect was installed between this Cresciv
- The ORANO point of presence at Lakehead University.
- Terry Moreau standing in front of the K-Net rack at Lakehead Universities Braun building.
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