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heres Jeremy and Tracy enjoying the food. He's going to have another plate when he's done with this one
Councilor Cory J Meekis and Deputy Chief Moses Mamakeesic
Councilor Fred says a few words too
Now they can start bringing out the food
getting seated
Chief says a few words
Here are the ladies preparing the food for the fall feast
The chief cooks with a smile.
way over there, those guys are cooking moose meat too, and to your right, Andy is putting up a tarp.
Carson and Brad look on as Sid stirs his cooking.
Now the food is almost ready. The people all make their way to the table
Bill Rae and his wife are at the head of the table and Chief Royal is seated to the right
Come on guys, sit down.
Its a cold afternoon in Deer Lake
Nailing down the board that had a open space under KiHS. Later when they were done, Nicholas came by, and pushed sand against t