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K-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.

IM000394.jpg Equipment rack at the NOTC building. This is where Lakehead fiber and Bell fiber are to be fused.ThumbnailsK-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.Equipment rack at the NOTC building. This is where Lakehead fiber and Bell fiber are to be fused.ThumbnailsK-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.Equipment rack at the NOTC building. This is where Lakehead fiber and Bell fiber are to be fused.ThumbnailsK-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.Equipment rack at the NOTC building. This is where Lakehead fiber and Bell fiber are to be fused.ThumbnailsK-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.Equipment rack at the NOTC building. This is where Lakehead fiber and Bell fiber are to be fused.ThumbnailsK-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.Equipment rack at the NOTC building. This is where Lakehead fiber and Bell fiber are to be fused.ThumbnailsK-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.Equipment rack at the NOTC building. This is where Lakehead fiber and Bell fiber are to be fused.ThumbnailsK-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.

K-Net equipment at Lakehead University Braun building.