Home / Fort Severn Cable Upgrade [32]
- Dan Pellerin via video conferencing.
- The Cisco 2924 switch labelled to identify ports.
- Testing the Polycom SP video conferencing unit at the Nursing Station.
- Testing the Polycom SP video conferencing unit via a cable modem.
- Hugh, Ted (Northern Stores Manager) and Angus at the Northern Stores residence where the video conferencing test via cable modem
- Hugh from Blair Electronics assessing the signal quality on his cable modem.
- Yvan from Blair Electronics taking a break and happy to see things working.
- The uBR7223 is now feeding a signal into the cable system. Internet connectivity is still provided through the Cisco 2621 in the
- The amplifier at the cable headend, opened up for alignments.
- The culprit, a rock truck didn't lower its dump.
- Angus and Ethan examining the damage.
- New DOCSIS compliant amplifiers.
- The Cisco uBR7223 placed on the satellite equipment rack.
- About 10:30AM a gravel truck tore through the hydro line serving the Fort Severn Airport. This mishap caused a power outage for
- A new hydro pole arrives at the scene.