Community News

First Nations' National Day of Action - May 29 - taking action to create positive change!

A National Day of Action in Support of First Nations –

May 29, 2008

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and First Nations people across the country are calling on all Canadians to join with us for a National Day of Action on May 29th.

We are calling on the Government of Canada to work with First Nations to protect our children, invest in our future and respect our responsibility to one another.

KI Youth Support Rally & Open Forum for KI-6 on May 19 in Thunder Bay

KI Youth Support Rally & Open Forum

Theme: We talk, You Listen!
May 19, 2008
Thunder Bay, ON

May 5th, 2008

To: All First Nation Organizations Ontario First Nations Chiefs & Councils

Subject: KI Youth Rally Invitation Greetings!

This letter will serve as Notice that a Youth Rally has been organized for the KI Youth. The purpose of the Rally is to show support for the incarcerated Youth Member of the KI Council, Darryl Sainnawap.

Aboriginal high school students gathering in Regina to share their E-Spirit Business Plans

BDC press release ...

Over 200 Aboriginal Student Entrepreneurs from Across the Country Get Ready to Showcase their Best Projects in Regina for the 2008 E-Spirit Business Plan Competition

BDC's E-Spirit promotes entrepreneurship to Aboriginal youth in Canada

New First Nations Market Housing Fund to help people purchase their homes on reserve

Federal government press release ...

Academics and Lawyers write to Harper Gov't to implement UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Open Letter - UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Canada Needs to Implement This New Human Rights Instrument

May 1, 2008
Open Letter

On September 13, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by an overwhelming vote of 144-4. The UN Secretary-General, other prominent international leaders, and human rights experts hailed this historic event as a victory for the human rights of the world’s most disadvantaged and victimized peoples.

Lake Helen First Nation to host All Ontario Chiefs Conference - June 3-5

COO Press Release ... 

All Ontario Chiefs Conference
June 3-5, 2008


Lac La Croix First Nation students travel to Toronto to share their stories in dance, music and film

Press Release ...

Bridging the cultural gap through dance, music and film - Show brings First Nations youth from isolated reserve to share experiences

Toronto (ONTARIO) May 6th, 2008 – Bridging the cultural gap through dance, music and film Show brings First Nations youth from isolated reserve to share experiences

Getting to the truth about Canada's Indian Residential Schools is going to be a challenge

As the following three stories show, getting to the truth about residential schools is going to be a long and difficult road for all Canadians to take ...

From the Globe and Mail

Residential school payouts spark pain and death

UNNATI GANDHI - May 1, 2008

Canada's Tibet(s) - similar treatment of First Nations for those who want to understand


Canada's Tibet(s) 

by Martin Lukacs - May 2, 2008

In this small, impoverished northern village, people eke out a miserable existence. One of the world's most powerful countries occupies their land, plunders their resources, interferes with their governance and seems intent on assimilating them into wider society.