Community News

Canadians reaching out to support and learn about Indigenous rights and struggles

From Community Press staff

Day of Indigenous Solidarity this Sunday in Belleville

May 22, 2008

Belleville – "This is it, justice for first nations communities: lock us up. Anybody who speaks out, lock 'em up. KI6, Bob Lovelace, lock 'em up...Don't fix the problems, lock 'em up." – Shawn Brant, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory defendant 

Broadband connections in Canada declines on global level - from 2nd to 10th position in 6 years

From CBC News

Canada's global edge in broadband dwindling

By Peter Nowak - May 20, 2008

Download limits may have harmful effects on a country's businesses, the OECD says. (Associated Press)Canada's early position as a global broadband internet leader continues to erode, with the country sliding in the latest subscription rankings from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Casino Rama dollars intended for First Nations being used for questionable expenditures

From the Canadian Press

May 19, 2008

Legal fees, expenses and mystery band eat up millions in native Rama cash

OTTAWA — Millions of Casino Rama dollars meant to help lift First Nations out of poverty have been swallowed by legal fees, unexplained expenses and payments to at least one band that doesn't officially exist, suggest newly released audits.

Pelican Falls First Nations High School hosting gospel youth rally


There will be a Youth Rally at Pelican Falls Centre on Thursday May 29, 2008 starting 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. and Friday May 30 starting 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Main speaker is Darius Ferris. Calstock

Muscians are Roger Stevenson & Band.

Contact Info: Rosalie Davis - 737 - 3369

                      Helen Littledeer - 737 - 7474

                      Eunice Kakakayash - 737 - 2596

Growth plan for Northern Ontario looking for input from everyone living and working in the north

Ministry of Northern Development and Mines News Release

Action Begins On Development Of Northern Growth Plan

May 16, 2008

McGuinty Government Kicks Off Growth Planning

Over the next year, Northern Ontario residents, youth, Aboriginal peoples, community leaders, business and industry leaders and other experts will have a range of opportunities to participate in the development of a draft Growth Plan for Northern Ontario.

KO team presents K-Net and telemedicine stories at NE LHIN gathering in North Bay

Penny Carpenter, K-Net's Business Manager and Tina Kakepetum-Schultz, KOTM's Community Liaison presented at the NE LHIN Aboriginal Summit, “A New Health Environment” that was held in North Bay on May 14 and 15. 

From Northeastern Ontario LHIN 13 web site

Thunder Bay Youth Rally supporting KI-6 - bus departing from Victoriaville Mall at 9 amn

 Thunder Bay Youth Rally May 19, 2008.

 A shuttle bus will be departing at 9:00 am from Victoriaville Centre, 600 Victoria Avenue East, Archibald entrance. People who require a ride to the correctional centre are asked to be at Victoriaville at 8:30 am.

9:00 am   Leaving for the Correctional Centre

10:00 am - 12:00 pm  Youth Rally

12:30 pm -   4:00 pm  Youth Forum @ Fort William Community Centre, Fort William Reserve

Article about videoconferencing being used in remote First Nations for economic development

From Wawatay's Sagatay magazine

Videoconferencing connects remote communities

Videoconferencing is like a winter road network that is open all year. As with the winter roads, videoconferencing is vital to northern communities. People use it to connect in real-time and face-to-face. But instead of travelling, they stay in their own communities and talk with people in other communities on a television screen.

"New Relationship Fund" to support First Nations legal requirements to negotiate settlements

From the Toronto Star

Fund to aid native groups in talks

May 16, 2008 - Robert Benzie

The Ontario government is creating a $25 million fund to help aboriginal communities hire lawyers and other advisers to "level the playing field" in treaty and business negotiations with Ottawa, the province and resource firms.

Tragic early Saturday morning fire in Sandy Lake First Nation claims two lives

A heroic grandmother and her grandson are the victims of an early Saturday morning fire in Sandy Lake First Nation.

The grandmother was able to get her elderly mother to safety before re-entering the burning house in search of her grandson. Neither were able to escape the blaze.

The community along with family and friends from other remote communities are coming together to support those affected by this tradegy.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved!