Community News

Jailed Algonquin Leader Begins Hunger Strike to protest Ontario government inaction on mining

Press release 

Jailed Algonquin Leader Begins Hunger Strike - Second Algonquin Chief Going to Jail - McGuinty Government Does Nothing

For Immediate Release - May 15, 2008(NNW) – On February 15, 2008 Ardoch Algonquin First Nation (AAFN) Spokesperson Robert Lovelace was sentenced in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Kingston to 6 months in maximum security, plus crippling fines, for peacefully protesting uranium mining in the Ardoch homeland. Chief Paula Sherman was fined $15,000 and given until today to pay the fine, failing which she will be jailed.

Formal apology for residential school survivors to be delivered by prime minister in parliament

From Globe and Mail

Harper to issue formal apology to residential school survivors

KAREN HOWLETT - May 15, 2008

TORONTO — Prime Minister Stephen Harper will formally apologize to survivors of Canada's Indian residential schools on June 11.

NAN invites EVERYONE to join them on May 29 to march against injustices directed at First Nations

NAN - National Day of Action, Thursday May 29, 2008

Walk of Unity to Marina Park

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) invites you to join First Nation and non-Aboriginal leaders and community members in a unity walk promoting meaningful treaty relationships built on respect, dignity and fairness.

Time: Meet at 10 a.m.
Location: Lakehead Labour Centre, 929 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay
Route: Fort William Road to Marina Park. Gathering at Marina Park for speeches and refreshments to follow.

Outdated free entry mining laws conflicts with First Nations, conservation and wildlife

Maps Offer First Time, Nationwide Overview of Impacts of Outdated Mining Law - Report Details Free Entry Mining Conflicts with First Nations, Conservation and Wildlife

OTTAWA, May 14 - A report and set of maps released today offer a first time overview of the extent to which mining claims staked under an outdated free entry system conflict with Aboriginal rights, private landowners, conservation, wildlife, and other values in Canada's Boreal Forest. The report calls for modernizing the mining law.

Pelican Falls First Nations HS students share their e-Spirit experience

Jocelynn Petawanick from North Caribou First Nation (Weagamow Lake) and Rena Kakegamic from Keewaywin First Nation (both students at Pelican Falls First Nations High School) write about their e-Spirit Conference experience ...

E-Spirit Day #1:

Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission to start work with 2 commissioners appointed

INAC press release 

Truth and Reconciliation Commission to begin work on June 1: Canada announces final appointments

     OTTAWA, May 13 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians today announced the final two appointments for the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (IRSTRC).

Pelican Falls First Nations High School students heading to the e-Spirit business plan competition

Go West Young Entrepreneurs!

Four Pelican Falls First Nations High School Entrepreneurship students are heading west today to compete in their first-ever E-Spirit competition.

Four Seasons Sports store was born out of the creative genius of Rena Kakegamic (Keewaywin First Nation), Jocelynn Petawanick (Weagamow Lake First Nation), Rayton Keeper (Pikangikum First Nation) and Jethro Moskotaywenene (Bearskin Lake First Nation).

Attawapiskat First Nation residents prepare for evacuation as the Attawapiskat River floods

Evacuation of Attawapiskat Begins - Local Leaders Declare State Of Emergency Because Of Flood Threat


A severe threat of flooding has prompted the leaders of Attawapiskat to arrange for the airlift of at-risk residents.

The breakup of the Attawapiskat River is creating ice jams that could pose significant risks of flooding in the community, located on the James Bay coast, 500 kilometres north of Timmins. As a result, local leaders have declared a state of emergency, following discussions with provincial and federal officials.

KO's e-Health team travels to conference in Vancouver to share telemedicine stories

Donna Williams, KOTM Program Manager and Penny Carpenter, K-Net's Business Manager traveled to Vancouver this week to attend the e-Health 2008: Extending the Reach conference.

This year’s conference theme, Extending the Reach provided a showcase of the progress being made in advancing the e-health agenda. 

From the conference web site at