KI Youth Support Rally & Open Forum for KI-6 on May 19 in Thunder Bay

KI Youth Support Rally & Open Forum

Theme: We talk, You Listen!
May 19, 2008
Thunder Bay, ON

May 5th, 2008

To: All First Nation Organizations Ontario First Nations Chiefs & Councils

Subject: KI Youth Rally Invitation Greetings!

This letter will serve as Notice that a Youth Rally has been organized for the KI Youth. The purpose of the Rally is to show support for the incarcerated Youth Member of the KI Council, Darryl Sainnawap.

The theme of the Rally is: “WE TALK, YOU LISTEN.” The gathering will provide a forum for First Nations Youth to speak and be heard on issues and concerns that impact on them. The topics of discussion and debate will be at their discretion and the audience will listen to what they have to say.

The invitation to attend this important gathering is extended to all Youth from our First Nation communities. We respectfully request the leadership of each First Nation community and organization to support at least two youth, one male and one female to attend this important gathering. KI is unable to provide any assistance for travel, meals and accommodations, costs incurred will be the responsibility of all participants.

The date of the Rally is May 19th, 2008 beginning at 10:00 a.m. outside the Thunder Bay Correctional Centre. An open forum and meal will follow in the afternoon. A draft agenda outlining the activities is attached. The draft agenda is subject to changes; youth will provide updates on the location of the forum and on the list of youth guest speakers and performers. In the interim, should you have any questions or require any further information, you may contact Doug Beardy or Carol Terry at the IFNA office in Sioux Lookout at 1-807-737-1902 or Laura Calmwind, Youth Coordinator at the COO office in Thunder Bay 1-807-626-9339.


Yours in Unity and Solidarity,

Chief Donnie Morris


KI Youth Support Rally & Open Forum

Theme: We talk, You Listen!
May 19, 2008
Thunder Bay, ON

Host:  Fort William First Nation Youth Council


Morning Event

Transportation Pick up and drop off route TBA

Site of the Rally   Thunder Bay Correctional Centre
   (Located on Highway 51, heading towards Duluth 10 minutes from Thunder Bay)

10:00 AM   Opening Prayer
 KI Youth member

10:10    Honor Song
 Shadow Creek Youth Drum & Singers

10:25    Welcome address to the delegates
 Michael D Pelletier, Fort William First Nation Youth Council

10:35    Opening Keynote Speaker
 Jessie Quequish, KI Youth

10:50    Special Youth Guest Speakers  
 Youth list TBA

11:00    Various First Nations Youth Speakers
 Open
12:00    Honor Song
 Little Bear Singers

12:05 – 12:30  Ground Transportation
 Sponsor TBA

Afternoon Event   Hosted by the Fort William First Nation Youth Council

Site of Forum Fort William First Nation Community Centre
 40 Anemki Drive
12:30 – 2:00  Pizza Party
 Meet & Greet 
 Little Bear Youth Singers
 Others youth performers TBA

2:00 – 4:00  Open Forum
 Topic of Discussion & Debate TBA
 Various Youth Speakers
 Co-facilitated by the KI Youth & Ontario First Nation Young Peoples Council
4:00 PM  Closing Prayer & Song 