First Nations' National Day of Action - May 29 - taking action to create positive change!

A National Day of Action in Support of First Nations –

May 29, 2008

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and First Nations people across the country are calling on all Canadians to join with us for a National Day of Action on May 29th.

We are calling on the Government of Canada to work with First Nations to protect our children, invest in our future and respect our responsibility to one another.

We invite all Canadians to join us in putting forth a strong, clear call for action to the federal government.

We are calling on the Government of Canada to…

Protect Our Children:

  • First Nations children receive less funding for education than other Canadian children. We are calling for fairness in funding to First Nations children.
  • First Nations’ Child Welfare Systems are under-funded compared to provincial child welfare systems. This discrimination leaves our children vulnerable and places them at risk. We are calling for fairness in funding for First Nations child welfare.

Invest in Our Future:

  • More than half of the First Nations population is under the age of 25. That is Canada’s future workforce and the key to a productive and prosperous Canada.
  • We must end the shameful conditions that exist in too many First Nations communities, conditions like over-crowded and unsafe housing, dangerous drinking water and crumbling infrastructure.
  • We must invest in healthy environments for our children and all our people. Canada is a rich nation – investing now is the responsible thing to do for all Canadians.

Respect Our Responsibility to One Another:

  • Set aside the colonial Indian Act and dismantle the Department of Indian Affairs in favour of a new approach that provides First Nations with the right and responsibility to make the decisions that affect their lives.
  • Recognize that First Nation governments must be responsible and accountable to their own people first.
  • Show respect for First Nations by implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  • Work with First Nations to bring honour to the Treaties, to resolve long-standing lands claims and work together to share in the riches of this land.

What Will Happen in Ottawa on the National Day of Action?

The National Day of Action is about reaching out to Canadians and raising awareness about the situation of First Nations in Canada and the solutions to create a better, stronger Canada for all Canadians.

Last year, Canadians from all walks of life joined us on June 29th for peaceful events across the country. But the Canadian government did not listen to our call for action so we are once again reaching out to Canadians to say: “Now is the time for action!”

On May 29th, we will gather at Victoria Island for ceremony and song, then march to Parliament Hill for a major rally. Speakers and supporters from across the country will be there to make sure our message is heard.

We hope to see you there! All are welcome.


This is not just about First Nations – this is about all of us and our shared future!

We are all in this together.

Come out in support of strong First Nations and a strong Canada!

For more information on the National Day of Action, please visit You may also send us a message at or call (613) 241-6789.