First Peoples Child & Family Review produces the First Nations Research Online Journal

From  First Nations Research Online Journal 

First Peoples Child & Family Review
An Interdisciplinary Journal Honoring the Voices, Perspectives and Knowledges of First Peoples through Research, Critical Analyses, Stories, Standpoints and Media Reviews


Ontario Health Coalition report highlights health services required in rural communities

Press release

OHC Releases Cross-Province Report Appealing For Equity and Better Access

Download Summary
Download Full Report 

May 17, 2010

Food mail program serving northern Canada moved from Canada Post to 3 retail corporations


Canada Post to lose Food Mail Program

May 17, 2010

A federal program that subsidizes the shipping of nutritious, perishable foods by air to remote northern communities will be awarded to three retailers instead of Canada Post, CBC News has learned.

Aboriginal people living in urban centres faced the biggest job losses during economic crisis

From the Globe and Mail

Natives bore brunt of job losses in Canada, Statscan study shows

Experts blame lower education rates and lack of social support in cities for aboriginals’ drop in employment rates.

First public Truth and Reconciliation Commission event, set for June 16 to 19 in Winnipeg

First national TRC event an opportunity for all Anglicans

May 11, 2010

"Opportunity is at our doorstep," said the Rev. Canon Murray Still, speaking on the phone from Winnipeg, where he has been juggling emails, phone calls and meetings in preparation for the first public Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) event, set for June 16 to 19 at the Forks, Winnipeg.

First Nation leaders challenge government and corporations to respect the Ring of Fire

From GlobalTV

Inside the Ring of Fire

Monday, May 10, 2010 - Show Transcript - April 11


Hon Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry
Chief Eli Moonias, Marten Falls First Nation
Chief Cornelius Wabasse, Webequie First Nation
Frank Smeenk, KWG Resources
Don Hoy, Freewest Resources
Caroline Schultz, Ontario Nature

Treaty 5 centennial commemoration - celebrating 100 years of treaty with Canada

Treaty 5 Centennial Commemoration website launched

The official website for the Treaty 5 Centennial Commemoration went live on May 5, 2010.

The website features Treaty 5 community links, treaty history & archives, and upcoming events for the commemoration.

View the website at

Ontario Trillium Foundation's Future Fund looking for innovative green proposals

Call For Proposals - Future Fund 2010-2011: Building Skills for the Green Economy

At the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), enhanced employment and economic potential for Ontarians is one of our granting priorities. In 2009-2010 OTF invested $2 million in a portfolio of grants that will create opportunities and systems for Ontarians to participate fully in the emerging green economy.