Homeless people's human rights under Canadian Charter must address basic needs

Press release 

Government has human rights obligation to end homelessness argues historic Charter challenge

Toronto, May 26 - Formerly and currently homeless individuals and housing advocates today launched a landmark legal challenge, asking the Superior Court of Ontario for a declaration that Canada and Ontario have violated their rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by creating and maintaining conditions that lead to and sustain homelessness and inadequate housing.

KO Crisis Coordinator Job Opportunity in Balmertown

Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) / Northern Chiefs Council is looking for a Crisis Coordinator for the KO Crisis program for Six (6) months.

This is a 35-hour week position, salary dependant on qualifications and work experience. This position will commence June 7, 2010. The Crisis Coordinator will report to the KO Health Director.

Members of Parliament debate Bill C-3 - Re-determining who is an Indian in Canada

House of Commons Debate on Bill C-3, An Act to promote gender equity in Indian registration

Legislative Summary of this legislation is available at

From House of Commons Hansard, May 25, 2010 

Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act 

Safe Drinking Water for First Nations requires both capacity and regulatory developments

AFN press release ... 

AFN National Chief Calls for Real Action on Safe Drinking Water for First Nations: Need Action to Address the "Capacity Gap as well as the Regulatory Gap"

OTTAWA, May 27 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo stated today that legislation introduced in Parliament on First Nations drinking water - Bill S-11- will not in its current form meet the stated objective of ensuring First Nations have access to safe drinking water.

INAC officials with the FNSSP program visit Cat Lake First Nation with regional program team

On May 26, Eric Grant, INAC's First Nations Student Success Program Manager and Susan Stewart, INAC's FNSSP Ontario Region Program Officer flew to Cat Lake First Nation to visit the community, meet with the school students and staff and meet with the regional FNSSP project team. Click here to learn more about the program from the INAC site

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Chief shows support for Couchiching First Nation toll booth

From Fort Frances Times

Toll booth drawing outside support

May 26, 2010 - By Peggy Revell, Staff writer

The toll booth initiative undertaken by Couchiching First Nation is drawing support from beyond its immediate community, including a visit from Grand Council Treaty #3 Ogichidaakwe Diane Kelly yesterday.

“I’m here to support Couchiching First Nation,” said Kelly, who took a turn in the booth collecting tolls from passing vehicles.