"More needs to be done" - report on the well-being of Ontario's children by OACAS

Press release 

"More needs to be done" - Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies releases report on the well-being of Ontario's children

TORONTO, April 14, 2010

The Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies (OACAS) released a report on the well-being of children in care today. The report makes recommendations for changes in three priority areas: services for Aboriginal children and families, adoption and youth growing up in care.

Aboriginal Healing Foundation releases 2nd volume of the truth and reconciliation process

Aboriginal Healing Foundation Research Series

Response, Responsibility, and Renewal
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Journey


This is the second installment in a two-volume set produced by the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. This volume contains personal reflections on the opportunities and challenges posed by the truth and reconciliation process, which was constituted in the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, to aid in the deliberation of work facing Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

John Beaucage appointed Aboriginal Advisor on Child Welfare to the Ministry of Children and Youth

Ontario press release 

Orazietti announces support for aboriginal children and youth

April 14, 2010

McGuinty Government Appoints First Aboriginal Advisor On Child Welfare

Queen’s Park – The provincial government has appointed John Beaucage as Aboriginal Advisor to the Ministry of Children and Youth Service in order to help improve supports for Aboriginal children and youth on and off of reserves by advising on Aboriginal child welfare issues, David Orazietti, MPP announced today.

Raising the Children - Part 5

Raising the Children - Part 4

Raising the Children - Part 3

Raising the Children - Part 2

Raising the Children - Part 1

Kashechewan First Nation developing land use plan protecting traditional lands

Ontario press release 

Partnering with First Nation in the Far North

April 12, 2010

McGuinty Government Supports Community-based Land Use Planning in Kashechewan

Kashechewan First Nation in the Far North are working alongside their community’s Elders to collect information about their traditional lands that will contribute to a community based land use plan.

Kashechewan First Nation announces the passing of a respected community leader

Chief and Council Saddened by the Passing of an Elder

Kashechewan ON April 12, 2010 – The Chief and Council would like to announce the passing of a respected community leader George A. Wesley who died peacefully on April 9, 2010 at the Timmins and District Hospital in Timmins, Ontario. 

George A. Wesley as we all know served on various boards and was well known throughout the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation for his attendances in conferences and meetings.