First Peoples Child & Family Review produces the First Nations Research Online Journal

From  First Nations Research Online Journal 

First Peoples Child & Family Review
An Interdisciplinary Journal Honoring the Voices, Perspectives and Knowledges of First Peoples through Research, Critical Analyses, Stories, Standpoints and Media Reviews


Cover page for Volume 4 Number 2 of Journal

© 2009 First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada
ISSN 1708-489X

Other Issues

Volume 4, Number 2, 2009

Volume 4, Number 1, 2009

Volume 3, Number 4, 2007

Volume 3, Number 3, 2007

Volume 3, Number 2, 2007

Volume 3, Number 1, 2007

Volume 2, Number 1, 2005

Volume 1, Number 1, 2004

Table of Contents, Volume 4, Number 2, 2009

4 Foreword
Margaret Kovach
5 Editorial: TBA
Wendy Thomas and Marlyn Bennett
8 For So Long...
Wanda Gabriel
9 POEM: Their Eyes
Elaine M. Alec
10 Using a Narrative Approach to Understanding the Frontline Practices and Experiences of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Child Protection Workers
Sherri Pooyak and Yvonne Gomez
18 The Frontline of Revitationalization: Influences Impacting Aboriginal Helpers
Suzy Goodleaf and Wanda Gabriel
30 Irihapeti Ramsden: The Public Narrative on Cultural Safety
Steve Koptie
44 Culturally Restorative Child Welfare Practice - A Special Emphasis on Cultural Attachment Theory
Estelle Simard
62 Family Counselling as Decolonization: Exploring an Indigenous Social-Constructivist Approach in Clinical Practice
Suzanne Stewart
71 Using aWestern-Based Survey to Assess Cultural Perspectives of Dene Mothers in Northern Manitoba
Luella Bernacki Jonk
85 In Consideration of the Needs of Our Most Loving of Caregivers: Grandparenting Experiences in Manitoba First Nation Communities
Rachel Eni, Carol D.H. Harvey and Wanda Phillips-Beck
99 If We Show Them Will They Come? Attitudes of Native American Youth Towards Higher Education
Emmerentie Oliphant and Sharon B. Templeman
106 Knowledge Translation in a Community-Based Study of the Relations Among Violence Exposure, Post-Traumatic Stress and Alcohol Misuse in Mi’kmaq Youth
Marc Zahradnik, Sherry Stewart, Doreen Stevens, and Christine Wekerle
118 Child Protective Services and University-Based Partnerships: A Participatory Action-Based Model for Creating and Sharing Knowledge
Randall Waechter, Christine Wekerle, Bruce Leslie, Deborah Goodman, Nadine Wathen, Brenda Moody, and the MAP Research Team
129 Torrest Strait Island Parents’ Involvement in their Children’s Mathematics Learning: A Discussion paper
Bronwyn Ewing
135 First Nations Children Count: Enveloping Quantitative Research in an Indigenous Envelope
Cindy Blackstock
144 After This, Nothing Happened: Indigenous Academic Writing and Chickadee Peoples’ Words
Steve Koptie
152 Aboriginal Youth Gangs: Preventative Approaches
Jane P. Preston, Sheila Carr-Stewart and Charlene Northwest
161 Towards Transformational Research for and with Indigenous Communities: The New British Columbia Indigenous Child Welfare Research Network
Sandrina de Finney, Jacquie Green, and Leslie Brown