Ontario proposes to work with First Nations to administer forests under new framework

From MNDMF site  

A proposed framework to modernize Ontario’s Forest Tenure and Pricing System

Ontario understands it must change the way it administers its timber resources. That is why in August 2009, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Michael Gravelle released a paper to stimulate discussion on how the forest tenure and pricing system could be improved and updated to support a revitalized forest industry.

INAC officials visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak and Deer Lake First Nation

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak KNET team hosted a welcoming barbeque on Tuesday evening at the home of Jesse and Angie Fiddler for a team of INAC officials who arrived in Sioux Lookout.

Meetings are planned for Wednesday and Thursday to provide the visitors from Ottawa and Toronto with a overview of the programs and services that are being supported in the remote First Nations across northern Ontario.

The proposed schedule (as much as possible will be videoconferenced and webcast):

Tuesday, April 27 - barbeque and visiting at the Fiddler's

First Nation and community groups, universities plan Northern Communities Transitioning to Resilience

On Monday, April 26, over 30 different representatives from universities across Northern Ontario and various First Nation and community organizations met to discuss a strategy for developing a research project to examine Northern Communities Transitioning to Resilience.

The team from Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute and KNET joined the session hosted by Algoma University in Sault Ste Marie by videoconferencing from Sioux Lookout and Thunder Bay.

First Nation IT teams participate in Privacy, Security and ITIL Framework foundations training

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak Kuhkenah Network team is working with other First Nation programs and teams to access training and establish a standard of practice that addresses all the network security, privacy and frameworks for service delivery that is required to support e-health applications in Ontario.

Thesis researches the success stories of First Nation youth employment and training project

On Monday, April 26, Kristy Tomkinson defended her Masters Thesis before thesis committee and her peers. She also invited others to join her by videoconference.

Champions of Change: Exploring the Outcomes of the Youth ICT Employment and Training Program in Ontario First Nations Communities

A thesis document completed by: 

Kristy Tomkinson
Capacity Development & Rural Extension program at the University of Guelph
Advisor: Jim Mahone
Chair: Helen Hambly-Odame
Committee Member: Ricardo Ramirez

First Nations benefit from the sale of diamonds as first stones from Victor Mine go on sale

From Toronto Sun 

Ontario's first diamonds go on sale

By QMI Agency - April 26, 2010

The first diamonds from an Ontario mine become available for sale, just as demand resurfaces after the global recession.
Play VideoOntario’s first diamonds went on sale on Monday, with industry insiders predicting strong demand for the stones as the industry begins to pick up after the recession.

AFN calls for action from Canada at UN on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

AFN press release