
July 24th, 2002

July 24, 2002 Fire Watch

At the time, there is a light southeast wind. Deer Lake is under light smoke. All information here is current to July 23, 2002. Yesterday’s rain has helped the efforts of firefighters and reduced the dangers to our communities. Suppression crews are working to keep the fires away from Sandy Lake. Fire 57 has moved into northwestern Ontario from Manitoba. Most of the 10,700 hectares consumed by this fire are on the Manitoba side. This blaze has been declared inactive and will be monitored. Fire 21 is being observed at 3895 hectares. This fire has no resources on it at this time, since it has been contained on the northwest side of Loon Lake. Fire 27 is being observed at 4933 hectares. Resources dedicated to fighting this fire include: • 1 FB-4 (water bomber) • 6 type 1 crews • 2 type 2 crews • 4 light helicopters • 2 medium helicopters 34 is being observed at 3502 hectares Fire 41 is a new blaze, and my sources did not know at what time or date this fire started. At the moment, it is being observed at 80 hectares. To view maps of the fires surrounding our communities.

July 23rd

Phase 2 Evacuation Complete in Deer Lake

7 planes with over 300 people have been evacuated to Thunder Bay. Phase 1 included those with chronic illnesses and respiratory problems. Phase 2 consisted of children under 2, prenatals and all individuals with respiratory problems. The forest fire watch does not seem to give any encouragement at this time, with Fire 56 being declared out only because it has merged with Fire 34 at 3,200 hectares on Sunday. Fires 27, 28 and 29 have also merged at 5,000 hectares. There are 4 crews altogether fighting this fire. There are 2 Type 1 crews and 2 type 2 crews. This is the fire that has caused the heavy smoke in the community of Deer Lake. Fire 23 is growing in size, and as of Sunday was 4,500 hectares. Fire 21 has been contained at 3,700 hectares. Deer Lake has been fortunate and is staying at the Confederation College campus in Thunder Bay. However, the stress of evacuation seems to weighing on the evacuees, in spite of their gratitude for their beds and rooms. Check out the photos Phase 2 of the evacuations.

July 22nd

He's Alive Campmeeting -A huge Success

The New Life Pentacostel Church in Weagamow Lake have completed a successful outdoor campMeeting which was held throughout the weekend of July 18, 19, 20, & 21. During the Thursday evening, The First meeting was held inside the Church and throughout the weekend, It was held outdoors. The guest speaker at the CampMeeting was evangelist John T. Wood who is originaly from Winnipeg, Manitoba. The guest singers were Silas Woodhouse and Band from Fairford, Manitoba and a few from Winnipeg that included; Morris Mckay, Sharon Thomas & Welferd More assistent pastor at House of Prayer in Wnpg. And also David Mamakwa from Kingfisher Lk. was there to help in the music ministry throughout the whole blessed weekend. There were also visiters from Sachigo Lake, Kasabonica Lake, Kingfisher Lake and Wunamin Lake.

Cribbage Tournament in Webequie

Webequie First Nation's Neebin Odaminowin 2002 will be hosting a first ever Cribbage Tournament during it's Summer Festival on July 30 - August 3, 2002. The Cribbage Tournament will begin in a Pool "A" and Pool "B" round robin Qualify Round to determine who advances to A-Side or B-Side Championship playoffs. The cash prizes for A-Side are $250.00 & $150.00 and the B-Side are $100.00 & $ 50.00. The entry fee to play in the tournament is $ 20.00. Limited to 16 players. First come, first serve registration. The Cribbage Tournament rules will be provided for the participants. For more information you can contact Gilbert Jacob, Coordinator at (807) 353-6531.

Job Posting for Education Director in Keewaywin


Education Director Keewaywin Education Authority


Reporting to the Keewaywin First Nation Education Authority the Education Director will have excellent communication and conflict resolution skills, a proven ability to communicate effectively with staff, community businesses, agencies and community resources. The Education Director will be experienced in or a graduate of one of the following areas:
- Education and Administration, Community Economic Development, or a profession recognized by Chief, Council and the Keewaywin Education Authority (KEA)
Ability to communicate effectively in the Oji-Cree language an asset.


The Education Director is responsible for:
- development, operation and coordination of the K.F.N. Education Program;
- recruiting, selection, training, supervision and evaluation of all paid and volunteer staff;
- ongoing professional development of all education staff;
- effective communication between the school and the Keewaywin Education Authority, Parents Committee and Band Council;
- review of safety and supervision standards for staff and students;
- communicating with government, school boards and post-secondary institutions;
- evaluating school and education program compliance with Keewaywin Education Policy;
- assessments of curricula, education standards, policies, and teacher certification;
- review and evaluation of the school and education program budget estimates and program plans;
- developing budget statements for review by the Chief, Council, and the KEA;
- preparing and presenting the draft education budgets to the Chief, Council and the KEA;
- managing and monitoring spending in relation to the approved school budgets;
- working closely with the Keewaywin First Nation financial administrator and the education finance clerk;
- developing, managing and maintaining a student record's system and data base;
- meeting regularly with Chief, Council and the KEA to report and discuss education issues;
- advising Chief, Council and the KEA about education program needs;
- preparing reports on education progress and problems;
- organizing and conducting public meetings on education issues;
- gathering and analyzing data from elementary, secondary and post-secondary programs;
- writing an annual Keewaywin Education Report and presenting it to Chief, Council and the KEA;
- assisting in the development of programs and activities that meet the cultural, social, recreational, educational, and health needs of all the members of the school community;
- working in cooperation with the principal, teachers and para-professionals in the review and development of a student assessment program, before the end of the first semester;
- preparing and presenting a report on the results of the fall student assessments;
- developing a plan to effectively deal with the academic needs of all students;
- assisting in the review and implementation of the new District First Nations Bilingual/Bi-cultural Elementary Curricula;
- assisting in the implementation of the new Ontario Curricula;
- performing an annual performance appraisal and review of the principal's position;
- implementing and evaluating a comprehensive need's assessment, for the staff, at the beginning of each semester;
- organizing, scheduling and chairing biweekly K.E.A. Education Program's staff meetings.

Salary:Based on work experience and education.

Please submit resume to:

Lloyd Kakepetum, Keewaywin Education Authority by July 26, 2002
Home: 807-771-1407
Fax: 807-771-1081

Only those contacted by July 30 2002 will be interviewed.

Interviews will start August 1, 2002

Tentative start date for the position will be August 5, 2002

July 21st

Evacuation in Deer Lake

A fourth plane has landed in Deer Lake, to take 40 to 45 people to Thunder Bay due to the seriousness of smoke caused by fires nearby. The group included infants, children, women and people with medical problems to be evacuated immdiately. A fifth plane is schedule to be arriving at 4:00pm on Saturday. See pictures of the Deer Lake evacuation process.

July 19th

Science & Technology Day Camp Poplar Hill.

The Poplar Hill Science & Technology Day Camp was a success. It took place from July 15 to July18, 2002. On Monday, Curtis Lawson the project coordinator came in and we got started by having the participants do a on-line hunt for animals. On Tuesday, we went across the lake on a nature walk to collect plants. Two local elders joined the group to explain about the plants and how they used them long ago. On Wednesday, the youth watched videos about animals and their habitats. During the afternoon the MNDM regional geologist came in to provide information about the Canadian shield and different rock formations. He also showed a video and displayed the various rocks in his collection. On Thursday, the biologist from MNR was in to explain about all the different eco-systems. During the afternoon the youth visited the telehealth office. We closed the day off with some games. Check out the pictures at Pictures - Day 1 and Pictures - Day 2

July 18th

Notice of Annual General Meeting for Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training

The First Annual General Meeting of Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute will be held Tuesday, August 13, 2002 in Thunder Bay, Ontario. As a member of the corporation, each First Nation is eligible to send one representative to the meeting. For further information, please contact Stephen Chase or Ruth Baxter at 1-866-63-OSHKI.

Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown

Wednesday’s (July 17) Keewaytinook Okimakanak board meeting was attended by Chief Royal Meekis (Deer Lake), Councillor Silas Kakegamic (Keewaywin), Chief Eli James (McDowell Lake), Chief Isaac Linklater (North Spirit Lake) and Chief Patrick Owen (Poplar Hill). Chief George Kakekaspan is in Sioux Lookout attending the Special Education planning meeting. Items discussed included: * information arising from previous minutes (Orpah McKenzie provided a brief update on the telehealth application to Health Canada and the Nursing Situation in KO First Nations) * finance update (this is Penny Carpenter’s last week before her maternity leave) * all-weather road strategy development (guests Margaret Thompson and John Erickson) * forest management strategy (David Neegan) * K-Net’s application to Industry Canada to be the Ontario Regional Management Organization to support First Nation schools (Brian Beaton) * a brief update on the Keewaytinook Internet High School (Brian Beaton). Throughout the meeting, the community leaders were dealing with issues relating to the forest fire situation across the region.

Heavy Smoke Forces Evacuation In Deer Lake

Heavy smoke has created the need for evacuation in our community. Even those of us without breathing problems have noticed symptoms such as sore throats. The heat of the day helps to keep the smoke from completely obscuring our vision, but the coolness of night brings the choking smoke. The elderly, babies, prenatals and others with health and breathing problems will be the first to be evacuated. As of 4:00pm, it appears that the evacuees will be sent to Thunder Bay. It is not known whether or not other residents will need to be evacuated. We are waiting for the planes to arrive for the over one hundred residents, who due to medical reasons must leave. For more information you can call the Deer Lake band office at 807-775-2141.