Archive - 2006

December 23rd

NAHO studying telehealth needs and services in Aboriginal communities

Call for Proposals Virtual Aboriginal Health Learning Institute (VAHLI)

Issuing Office: Policy and Communications
Unit Address: 220 Laurier Avenue W. Suite 1200. Ottawa, ON K1P 5Z9
Attention: Manager, Mark Buell
Date: December 19, 2006

This is a select call to individuals, firms, or organizations to provide a comprehensive planning proposal for the preliminary research for the VAHLI based on 60 days of work.

Download full request document (PDF 126kb)


The National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) proposes to undertake the development of an innovative and collaborative initiative that will address culture-related issues to enhance knowledge transfer relative to Aboriginal health and Telehealth strategies. Moreover, the development of the VAHLI will relate to E-Learning or Knowledge Management that will address learning needs for health professionals and provide a pilot skills enhancement workshop to demonstrate this potential. The development of cultural competencies in the delivery of health care services will be a primary focus of this initiative.

The overall planning objective for the E-Learning project is to develop a framework for a Virtual Aboriginal Health Learning Institute (VAHLI) which will be achieved through three priorities. First will be to obtain an understanding of the current Telehealth infrastructure in Aboriginal communities throughout Canada and to identify education needs that can be addressed by the VAHLI via the Telehealth modality. The second priority will demonstrate the potential uses of telehealth/video conferencing. Wherein NAHO and its three centres - the First Nations, Inuit and Métis - engage in knowledge transfer (KT) processes with the audience. The third priority will identify communities’ needs and aspirations for Telehealth. A direct output of this proposed project will be enhanced educational services to Aboriginal communities through Telehealth.

In order to do this work the incumbent will be provided with Schedule A Form of the Project Charter and the Preliminary Research Report which discusses a needs assessment and literature review of current telehealth sites.

December 22nd

Assembly of First Nations provides Indian Residential School Settlement Update


December 20, 2006

More information can be found on the AFN’s website at

We are one step closer to receiving compensation and benefits through the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement (the “Settlement Agreement”). As of December 20, 2006, the Settlement Agreement has received court approval from eight of nine court jurisdictions. These eight decisions are posted on the AFN website. We expect a decision from the remaining jurisdiction (Northwest Territories) early in the New Year. While there are other administrative issues that require resolution, these will not change the conditions of the Settlement Agreement.

After this, there is one final step to approve the Settlement Agreement: it must be approved by Indian Residential School Survivors. All Indian Residential School Survivors must decide if they wish to be included in the settlement in order to receive the benefits of the Settlement Agreement, or opt out by advising the notice administrator in writing. All of this will be explained through an extensive notice and community outreach plan which will begin once all court approvals are finalized. It is estimated that there are 80,000 people alive today who will need to be contacted regarding their options under the Settlement Agreement.

We would like to clarify the circumstances around two areas not covered under the Settlement Agreement: (1) Indian Residential School ‘day scholars’ who attended a listed Indian Residential School(s) during the day do not qualify for compensation under the Settlement Agreement. However, if they suffered sexual, serious physical or psychological abuse, they may apply through a new and improved Independent Assessment Process once the Settlement Agreement is approved. This is an important improvement over the old process. Further, (2) students who attended an Indian Day School on reserve are also not part of the Settlement Agreement. We recognize that they too may have experienced pain and suffering, but Abused Indian Day School students must consider launching a separate civil action in order to seek redress and compensation.

The Assembly of First Nations fought very hard for an Advance Payment for Elders. As such, eligible Elders age 65 years or older, as of May 30, 2005, who are verified as attending an Indian Residential School listed in the Settlement Agreement qualify for an $8,000 Advance Payment. The deadline for applications for the Advance Payment must be received by Indian Residential School Resolution Canada (IRSRC) by December 31, 2006.

As of December 18, 2006, there were an estimated 13,400 Elders eligible for the Advance Payment, of which 12,955 applications have been received as follows:

  • 9,534 (74%) applications verified and processed;
  • 1,404 (11%) applications in process;
  • 496 (4%) require further information;
  • 281 (2%) applications cannot be processed and applicants have been notified that IRSRC cannot confirm residency; and
  • 1,240 (9%) applicants did not meet the payment criteria (age or deceased).
  • A total of $76.3 Million has been paid to Elders in the form of an Advance Payment.

With respect to missing records, efforts are ongoing to address this problem prior to the Common Experience Payment being available. IRSRC is receiving records from various sources on a regular basis and is establishing a database of former students to verify attendance for the Common Experience Payment.

The Assembly of First Nations has lobbied all of the provinces and territories to ensure that the Advance Payments and Common Experience Payments do not impact Old Age Pensions or social benefits due to former Indian Residential School students. All provinces and territories have confirmed this with the exception of Nunavut where we will continue to address this issue with them.

Once the Settlement Agreement is approved, other components will also be implemented, including the new Independent Assessment Process, Truth & Reconciliation Commission, Commemoration initiative and funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.

We ask for your patience and support as we move through the final stages of approval of the Settlement Agreement. Additional Information, including a list of common Questions & Answers, is also available on the Assembly of First Nations website (

Best Wishes to all Northern Communities during this festive season

Merry Christmas...Happy Holidays...and Best Wishes for the upcoming New Year to all northern First Nations, families, and friends!!

A special greeting to Kasabonika Lake First Nation as well!!

From Mitchell, Esther, Margaret, and Dahwa Diabo (and our Siamese cat Bijou!)


From: Binder, Michael: SITT []
Sent: December 18, 2006 11:40 AM
Subject: Greetings from SITT

Visit (large file that requires FLASH)


From: Paquette, Louise: FEDNOR []
Sent: December 18, 2006 1:07 PM
Subject: Happy holidays / Meilleurs voeux$FILE/FedNor2006.html

Louise Paquette


At this special time of year, I find myself looking back on a very busy year and feeling very thankful to the K-Net family of friends and partners. It has been a very successful year of continued growth and development thanks to YOU!

I look forward to 2007, working with everyone and wishing only the best for everyone in this coming year!

Brian Beaton

Supreme Court ruling indicate treaty rights override provincial laws in some cases


B.C. First Nation can hunt at night: Supreme Court
December 21, 2006 - CBC News

Two aboriginal men from British Columbia have the right to hunt deer at night with lights, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Thursday.

In a 4-3 decision, the court sided with Ivan Morris and Carl Olsen, members of the Tsartlip First Nation of Vancouver Island.

The men had been convicted in a provincial court of hunting at night by flashlight, a practice that is illegal under B.C.'s Wildlife Act.

But the Supreme Court said the men's treaty rights, in this case, prevail over provincial law. The court overturned the convictions.

The four judges who ruled in favour of the men said that the North Saanich Treaty, signed in 1852, allows modern Tsartlip people to hunt using traditional methods.

And Tsartlip people traditionally hunted at night using lights, the judges said.

Originally, the Tsartlip people would have used torchlight, bows and arrows, but their equipment must be allowed to evolve, the judges said.

"And the use of guns, spotlights and motor vehicles reflects the current state of the evolution of the Tsartlip's historic hunting practices," the judges wrote in a summary of their decision.

In the narrow decision, the three dissenting judges argued that night hunting is dangerous and the right to hunt unsafely is not protected by the treaty.

Olsen and Morris were charged in 1996 after they fired five shots at a decoy deer set up by conservation officers to catch people hunting illegally. Olsen and Morris found the deer by flashlight.

After the men lost their case in a provincial court and in the B.C. Court of Appeal, they took it to the Supreme Court. The high court heard their appeal last year.

Decision renews night hunting debate

Lawyers for the Tsartlip say Thursday's ruling by the high court means other aboriginal people should be allowed to hunt at night in B.C. as well, without fear of prosecution.

Louise Mandell noted that other First Nations may not have treaty rights like the Tsartlip, but hunt at night and have the right to do so as aboriginal people.

"I think that the decision definitely shines a bright light on the province to make sure that those night-hunting practices are recognized," she said.

However, the B.C. Wildlife Federation's Paul Adams is critical of the decision, calling it dangerous.

He told CBC News that there is a question of public safety, especially in the densely-populated Saanich Peninsula, north of Victoria, where the Tsartlip live and hunt.

"The discharge of a rifle at night time when you don't know what is beyond your target is a very dangerous thing for the general public."

Meanwhile, a B.C. law professor said Thursday's judgment is significant at a broader level.

"It shows that treaties can be paramount to provincial law," said John Borrows of the University of Victoria.

"Treaties can have overriding influence over provincial laws. We've seen that before, but we've not seen it before in British Columbia with treaties."

See also Supreme Court of Canada ruling at

December 21st

"One Drum, Many Voices" CONTEST from NFB for students


One Drum, Many Hearts Contest - A contest for Canadian High School Students from the National Film Board (NFB) and their sponsors

DEADLINE: February 22, 2007

If you haven't had a chance to visit the fascinating world of ABORIGINAL PERSPECTIVES, now's a great time! Until February 22, you can enter the One Drum, Many Hearts Contest and win great PRIZES!

Four simple questions, one mini-essay on what's special about your community. That may be all there is between you and a new computer, an iPod, or a trip with friends and family to Edmonton for the Aboriginal Achievement Awards and Gala presentation March 16, 2007!

Have you ever watched the building of an igloo? The making of mukluks? The ritual drumming and dance of sacred ceremonies? Have you seen the arrival of Jacques Cartier through the eyes of the Cree? Or the coming of black-robed Jesuits from a Huron-Wendat perspective?

ABORIGINAL PERSECTIVES offers a treasure trove of film excerpts, short fiction and interviews, arranged by theme. Take a trip through the site. Hear the drums. And share your heart and voice with us, for a chance to win!

Prizes will be awarded to the 10 best works in two age categories:

  • 15 years of age and under
  • 16 years of age and over

Please visit for more information.

Ontario gov't invites everyone to contribute to 10 year health strategy

A web site is available for Ontario citizens to add their voice about the type of health system and services they want to see supported across the province. Visit to share your thoughts on this important matter.

Ontario government press release ...

McGuinty Government Launches Public Engagement On Health Care - Government Wants To Hear From Ontarians On 10-Year Health Plan

TORONTO, Dec. 20 - The McGuinty government is reaching out to Ontarians to get their input in developing a 10-year strategic plan for the province's health care system, Health and Long-Term Care Minister George Smitherman announced today.

"We need to hear from as many Ontarians as possible to help the government form strategies to meet their health needs in the future," Smitherman said. "Our health care system serves all of us - we're in it together. So we want people have a say about how the system should be shaped over the coming decade, and ensure that Ontarians have a long-term strategic plan for health care reflecting their values, priorities and concerns."

During this public engagement with Ontarians, the government will:

- Engage a broad range of Ontarians - including the public and health care organizations - through focus groups, one-day sessions, telephone surveys and feedback from their local MPPs to discuss health care priorities and concerns.
- Get feedback from the public through a website ( or phone (1-866-532-3161) where they can also get information on other ways to get involved and receive information materials.

The consultations will be part of the development of a strategic plan, which is a commitment legislated under the Local Health System Integration Act. These provincial consultations build on the advice received by the 14 Local Health Integration Networks during earlier discussions with providers and citizens.

The plan, which will be released in the spring of 2007, will set priorities and targets for improvements to be made in the health care system over the next 10 years. The targets will allow the public to track the progress achieved.

"It's about time that more Ontarians are provided a chance to directly influence the way health care is delivered over the next decade," said Smitherman.

The launch of the public engagement is just the latest example of the McGuinty government's commitment to developing an improved health care system. Other initiatives include:

- Passing of the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, creating 14 Local Health Integration Networks to oversee the delivery of stronger, locally-planned health care
- Investing more than $611 million in our Wait Times Strategy that has provided Ontarians with an additional 738,000 procedures - including MRI and CT scans; cancer, cardiac and cataract surgeries; and hip and knee replacements
- Creating 150 Family Health Teams, which will improve access to primary care for more than 2.5 million Ontarians
- Launching the HealthForceOntario strategy, including the creation of a marketing and recruitment centre to attract health care providers to Ontario
- Ensuring children are now benefiting from three new vaccines free of charge - with more than 1.2 million vaccinations already protecting children from chicken pox, meningococcal meningitis and pneumococcal disease
- Introducing the Health System Improvements Bill that includes proposed legislation to implement Operation Health Protection by establishing a new Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Agency.

Today's initiative is part of the McGuinty government's plan for innovation in public health care, building a system that delivers on three priorities - keeping Ontarians healthy, reducing wait times and providing better access to doctors and nurses.

This news release, along with other media materials, such as matte stories and audio clips, on other subjects, are available on our website at: under the News Media section.

For more information on achievements in health care, visit:

The Ontario legislature passed the Local Health System Integration Act in March, 2006. The Act requires the government to develop a health care plan that includes a vision, priorities and strategic directions for the health system and make it available to the public. Developing this plan is an opportunity for the public to become involved and help determine how the system can meet their needs over the next 10 years.

The McGuinty government will be engaging the public, front-line providers, local health care officials, and other stakeholders in a transparent planning process that will ensure Ontarians have a long-term plan for health care that reflects their values, priorities and concerns.

The goal is to develop a long-term plan for continuing to build a stronger health care system, which will identify the changes and work toward the solutions so that our health care system is able to improve the overall health and future prosperity of all Ontarians.

Building on Progress

Over the past three years, the government has made a number of innovative changes in key priority areas to address urgent problems within the system. Thanks to the creation of 14 Local Health Integration Networks, the government has taken major steps forward on improving access to health care and reducing wait times for key health services.

Now, the government wants to work together with the people of this province to identify the changes that are needed to re-build the system so it meets the long-term needs and expectations of the public, and improve the health and quality of life of Ontarians.

Process for the 10 Year Strategic Plan

The plan will provide clear direction by setting out a vision, priorities, and strategic directions for the health care system. It will set out three, five and 10-year goals for improving the health of Ontarians, access to necessary services, and sustaining the publicly funded health care system.

The plan will provide direction to the health care system to meet challenges and realize opportunities in the future. It will also set out to measure performance expectations, which will be used to ensure progress is being made according to the 10-year plan.

This strategic approach will help move Ontario's health care system toward long-term goals that improve health outcomes and keep the publicly funded system on a sustainable path for current and future generations.

The plan, which will be released in the spring of 2007, will provide direction into future health system policy, planning, investment, and the operation of government and government agencies.

Public Engagement

The provincial public engagement will play a key role in the development of the 10-year plan. It will build on the advice received by the 14 Local Health Integration Networks during their own community engagement exercises over the past several months, as they have developed three year plans for the local delivery of health care services.

The government's strategic planning process will involve a broader and longer-term (10 year) perspective, encompassing province wide services that are outside of LHIN responsibility, as well as looking at how to improve the overall health of Ontarians. LHINs will be consulted, engaged and involved to the extent they determine, throughout both the Plan development and Public Engagement activities.

The public engagement with Ontarians includes the following elements:

- A website ( telephone number (1-866-532-3161) and fax number (1-888-307-0747) where people can provide their views and get more information
- Regional consultation dialogues in communities across Ontario in the new year
- A health symposium with health care and community organizations to discuss trends, priorities and potential strategic directions with health care associations and related groups
- Roundtable dialogues with francophone and aboriginal organizations
- Focus groups with the general population, front-line health care providers, rural Ontarians, seniors, low income individuals, youth, women, disabled people, new Canadians, francophones, aboriginals, gay and lesbian individuals, caregivers, and homeless people
- Surveys and web-based panels of Ontarians to discuss health care values, priorities and expectations

For further information: Media Contacts: David Spencer, Minister's Office, (416) 327-4320; A.G. Klei, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, (416) 314-6197; Members of the general public: 1-866-532-3161

Pickle Lake Arena: KI Wild Challenge Cup

Pickle Lake Arena

K.I Wild Challenge Cup

25 yrs under Hockey Tournament

Thursday January 18th to Sunday January 21st 2007

Entry Fee: $2500.00

Deadline: December 21st 2006

Deposit to confirm your team: $1000.00

Four Imports per team

Note: past transfer will be considered as imports

Travel Day: Wednesday January 17th 2007

For more information

807 577 2849 or 251 3159


yahoo id: mckay_mckay2006


December 20th

Chiefs Steering Committee on hydro grid developments Communications Update

Chiefs Steering Committee Communications Update

Communications Team Bulletin # 7– November 27 2006

Community visits completed are follows

Constance Lake Fort Severn Hornepayne Bearskin Webequie Wapakeka Wawakapewin North Caribou Lac Suel Deer Lake Fort Albany Peawanuck Nibinamik Wunnumin Slate Falls McDowell Lake Ginoogaming Long Lake #58 Poplar Hill Keewaywin Aroland Muskrat Dam Flying Post Neskantaga Eabametoong Attawapiskat Pikangikum Whitewater Lake New Post Cat Lake Kasabonika Mattagami Beaver House Mocreebec Kingfisher Matachewan North Spirit Moose Cree Wahgoshig Sandy Lake Sachigo Missanabie Cree Brunswick House Koocheching Marten Falls Mishkeegogamang Chapleau Ojibwe Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug

The confirmed upcoming community visits as follows:


Communities that have not confirmed visits:


CSC Meeting with Deputy Minister – Sault Ste. Marie, November 14, 2006

The Chiefs Steering Committee met with the James Gillis, Deputy Minister of Energy.The Deputy Minister noted that Manitoba has declared its intent to build Conawapa regardless of agreement with Ontario and is considering building a transmission line to Winnipeg. They are discussing possible hydroelectricity exports with Saskatchewan and U.S. buyers.

Radio Broadcast:

We will be broadcasting information on the Wawatay Radio network on the following dates:

December 11 at 11:00 – 11:30
December 12 at 2:00 – 3:30
December 14 at 2:00 – 3:30

December 18 at 11:00 – 11:30
December 19 at 2:00 – 3:30
December 21 at 2:00 – 3:30

A special thank-you goes out to K-net for providing video conferencing services to the Chiefs Steering Committee Video Conferencing

Tuesday December 12 at 2:00

Bearskin Kitchenuhmaykoosib Kasabonika Kingfisher Lake

Wednesday December 13 at 2:00

Deer Lake Keewaywin Lac Suel Muskrat Dam North Caribou Lake

For more information please call Tracey Willoughby, Communications Assistant at 1 (800) 465-6821 or visit our website at

Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council hosting gathering in Wiky

4th Annual Youth Symposium on Culture, Tradition and Language

March 15, 16, 17 & 18th, 2006

“Now is the time for our generation to learn and preserve our sacred gifts.” 

The Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council is holding its 4th Annual Youth Symposium on Culture, Tradition and Language in the Wikemikong Unceded Reserve on March 15, 16, 17 & 18th, 2006. 

The symposium is an exciting learning opportunity for youth to gain knowledge of our diverse cultures, traditions and languages from a wide variety of Elders and traditional knowledge practitioners.  Events are currently being planned that will include informative and diverse workshops, prominent keynote speakers, outstanding storytellers, talented artists, live entertainment, and other motivating and interesting activities.

Registration is free.  The Ontario First Nations Youth Peoples Council will cover the costs for meals, accommodations, entertainment, and shuttle services for two delegates, one male and one female, from each of the First Nation communities and organizations.   

Youth participants are responsible to seek sponsorship and/or cover the costs of their travel to and from Wikemikong Unceded Reserve. We have a limited capacity of 300 participants.   

Register now and get be eligible for early bird registration prize draws.

Register by February 15th, 2006

For more information, please contact Laura Calm Wind at 1-807-626-9339 or by email at or


First Nation:_____________________________________________________




Postal Code:_____________________________________________________


Email Address;___________________________________________________

Academic Institution:______________________________________________

Academic Level:__________________________________________________

Please provide the Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council with a brief statement explaining your expectations from this symposium.


Please complete this application form and fax back to Laura Calm Wind, Chiefs of Ontario 807-626-9404.

Click here for a PDF copy of the poster and registration form

Grand Council Of The Crees Residential School Update on settlement questions

Grand Council Of The Crees Residential School Update Bulletin #3

Date: 2006-12-17

As was discussed during the community tour by Matthew Coon Come and Diane Soroka, court hearings were held across Canada to approve the proposed Residential School Settlement Agreement. These hearings, which were held at various places, started at the end of August. The last hearing day was on October 23 in Vancouver.

The judgments from these proceedings have started to arrive. As you may have heard, seven judgments were rendered on Friday, December 15. There are two more judgments to be drendered, but our understanding is that they will not be ready until some time in January 2007.

The proposed settlement cannot be implemented until all judgments have been rendered and all the courts have approved the proposed settlement.

The courts did not have the power to change the terms of the proposed settlement, but they were able to make some suggestions and to establish certain requirements regarding its administration.

To date, the seven judges who have rendered their judgments have approved the proposed settlement, but there are some conditions attached to the approval. These conditions have to do with the way in which the settlement will be administered. There is some concern that the administration plan for the settlement is incomplete, and the courts want to ensure that once the settlement is in force, that any delays or difficulties for the claimants will be minimized.

There is a concern that, because of the number of claimants, the claims process will become unmanageable and the courts wish to see a specific plan to deal with some of the administrative deficiencies. Here are some of their comments:

1. Canada was a defendant in the court cases and it is Canada that will now be administering the settlement. This can cause a conflict of interest and the courts want to make sure the person appointed by Canada to administer the process will be independent and that he/she will report to the courts and be directed by the courts, not by Canada. In addition, once this person is appointed and the appointment is approved by the courts, he/she cannot be removed from office without further approval by the courts.

2. Canada cannot have a final veto over the costs of implementation of the settlement. The courts must be able to make the orders necessary to ensure that the settlement is implemented properly and that the benefits are delivered in a timely manner.

3. On the issue of legal fees, there should be no legal fees charged for the Common Experience Payment which will only require a fairly simple form to make a claim. In addition, the courts want to make sure that individual claimants do not have to overpay their lawyers when they go through the Independent Assessment Process. Canada will pay 15% of the amount awarded under the IAP and the courts want individuals to have to pay no more than another 15% to their lawyers. In other words, the courts want lawyers' fees to be limited to 30%, half of which would be paid by Canada. The courts also want the adjudicators to be able to decide if the fees charged are reasonable.

4. The courts will keep jurisdiction to deal with the implementation of the settlement so that if difficulties arise, they will be able to deal with them and ensure that the survivors get the benefits to which they are entitled under the settlement.

5. There must be a reasonable process to deal with the issue of missing documents which is causing difficulties in verifying some of the claims.

6. There were a number of complaints about the first notices which many people all across Canada found to be difficult to understand. The courts want improvements made to the second set of notices.

The approval of the proposed settlement is conditional upon an administrative plan being filed in court to deal with these issues. The parties have 60 days to come up with this plan and the improved notices.

Although it was not made a specific condition for approval, there was also a very strong suggestion that the Prime Minister should issue a full apology in the House of Commons.

What does all of this mean?

We are still waiting for two judgments which may, or may not, contain additional conditions. In addition, the parties are now required to develop a proper administrative plan to implement the settlement. In reality, this probably means there will not be a final approval of the settlement until some time in February.

Then there will be a five month period during which individuals will have to decide whether they want to be a part of the settlement or whether they want to "opt out". If fewer than 5,000 people opt out, then the settlement will come into force and payments can be made. In practice, this means that the payments will probably start in the fall of 2007. This is somewhat later than was originally thought, but the process of having the court hearings in nine different jurisdictions took longer than anticipated.