Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown

Wednesday’s (July 17) Keewaytinook Okimakanak board meeting was attended by Chief Royal Meekis (Deer Lake), Councillor Silas Kakegamic (Keewaywin), Chief Eli James (McDowell Lake), Chief Isaac Linklater (North Spirit Lake) and Chief Patrick Owen (Poplar Hill). Chief George Kakekaspan is in Sioux Lookout attending the Special Education planning meeting. Items discussed included: * information arising from previous minutes (Orpah McKenzie provided a brief update on the telehealth application to Health Canada and the Nursing Situation in KO First Nations) * finance update (this is Penny Carpenter’s last week before her maternity leave) * all-weather road strategy development (guests Margaret Thompson and John Erickson) * forest management strategy (David Neegan) * K-Net’s application to Industry Canada to be the Ontario Regional Management Organization to support First Nation schools (Brian Beaton) * a brief update on the Keewaytinook Internet High School (Brian Beaton). Throughout the meeting, the community leaders were dealing with issues relating to the forest fire situation across the region.