
August 23rd, 2002

Employment Opportunities at Oshki in Thunder Bay

Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute is currently accepting resumes for the positions of Computer Skills and Web Development Instuctor, Project Team Leader and three Assistants for the Canada's Aboriginal Digital Opportunities program. For more information , please visit our website at

North Spirit Lake celebrates Keewaytinook Okimakanak's tenth anniversary.

North Spirit Lake celebrated KO's tenth year anniversary at the local e-Centre. Several community members showed up for this event. The food along with refreshments were enjoyed by all. You can see the pictures here.

August 21st

KO Telehealth Visits Sandy Lake

Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth was in Sandy Lake on Monday August 19th and Tuesday August 20th to talk about the KO Telehealth Initiative . Sandy Lake First Nation, Health Director, John McKay, invited KO Telehealth so that people in his community could learn more about telemedicine services. On Monday evening, KO Telehealth Project Manager, John Rowlandson, lead a discussion about telehealth services with resident and visiting clinical staff. On Tuesday morning, Rowlandson, presented to Elders and the Sandy Lake Band Council. Nurses and physicians who attended Monday night were enthusiastic about the ways that telemedicine could be used in a remote First Nation like Sandy Lake. They were interested to hear about how it was working in other KO communities and what was involved in delivering and supporting telemedicine services. Similarly, Elders and Council members said they enjoyed the presentation and that they had a better idea about what telehealth is and how it might work in Sandy Lake. Broadband services -- such as high speed internet and videoconferencing are now being implemented throughout the community.

August 20th

Poplar Hill Ladies mini softball Tournament

The ladies of Poplar Hill quickly organized a mini tournament over the weekend. It all worked out well with the guys out to the Deer Lake men's tournament.They had the baseball field to themselves. The weather was not too good on Saturday but the tournament still went on. A team from Manitoba came to challage our ladies (Paungassi Bomers), 3 local teams, Ladyhawks, Ladybugs and Thunderhearts. The team from Manitoba (Paungassi Bomers) took the first prize ($1200 cash prize) and the Ladyhawks came in second taking $800 cash prize.

Kingfisher Lake Summer Festival 2002

Presents August 21 - 24, 2002 4th Annual Softball Tournament Championship: $10,000 Finalists: $3000 Colsolation: $2000 Runner up: $1000 Division A Big Trout Lake Wunnumin Lake Dirty Dozen Sachigo Team 2 Neskantaga Opashka Braves Kasabonika Division B Weagamow Sachigo Warriors Kingfisher Lake Young Gunns Fort Hope Wunnumin Lake Hoyas RAFFLE DRAW Prized include: Panasonic DVD Player Cell Phone Fish Finder XBOX Barbeque Grill 20" TV 1$ per ticket Plus Many more... WC14 Aluminum Boat Race 1st Prize: $800 2nd Prize: $600 3rd Prize: $400 If weather permits. Contact: Matt Winter or Lott Sainnawap @ 532 2067 NIGHTLY SQUARE DANCING & RAP DANCE Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo every evening at the Field. Saturday: Jackpot 1999 4x4 Dodge Truck Extended Cab. $14,000 Split for 2 or more winners. These are just some of the Activities that will be happening. For more information or Accommodationgs, Call the Band Office @ 807 532 2067 ask for one of the following; Roy Sainnawap, James Mamakwa, Sol Mamakwa, Matt Winter, Lott Sainnawap.

August 17th

KO Telehealth Project Launch and Demonstrations

Please come and join the KO Telehealth Team in celebrating our telehealth launch in Balmertown as part of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tenth Anniversary celebration! We will be formally introducing telehealth - a new way of delivering health care in the KO Region. Present will be people in this region who are working to bring this new health service to the North. Festivities will include a cake cutting ceremony and demonstrations of the new telehealth equipment. Hope to see you there! To see the official invitation to all interested groups and individuals CLICK HERE. To find out more about the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth Initiative, CLICK HERE.

FedNor Announcements Funding for NAN Telecom Projects

Formal announcements and press releases about a number of FedNor funded telecommunication projects have been posted on their web site. K-Net staff worked each of these projects to ensure the organizations and First Nations are able to participate and contribute to the ongoing development and support of the Kuh-ke-nah Network. The three announcements include: Eabametoong and Webequie First Nations to develop local broadband connectivity solutions - announced August 1, 2002 Wawatay Native Communications Society developing broadband connectivity - announced May 30, 2002 Shibogama First Nations Council supports Kasabonika, Kingfisher Lake, Wapekeka and Wunnumin Lake First Nations to get connected - announced January 22, 2002 All these announcements can be seen on the FedNor website under their press releases at

August 15th

North Spirit Lake Science Camp

North Spirit Lake's youth participated in a science camp the week of July 26 to August 2. The camp was funded by INAC (Indian Northern Affairs Canada) and KO (Keewaytinook Okimakanak). Community youth had an eduactional experience learning and participating in various environmental activities. Check out some of the photos taken here

August 9th

Gathering of Drums National March and Rally

Grand Council Treaty #3 and Nishnawbe Aski Nation invite you to join them at the Minister of Indian Affairs' home riding for a peaceful march and rally to protest the First Nations Governance Act, Bill C-61.
We are calling on the Minister to honour Treaty and Aboriginal Rights and establish a NATION-TO-NATION relationship with First Nations based on Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.
Together let us send a message to Minister Nault that the constituents of Kenora/Rainy River riding do not support Bill C 61 and that the FNGA violates Treaty and Aboriginal Rights.
Everyone is welcome. Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people across Canada are encouraged to join us in this peaceful demonstration.
For up to date detailed rally information and full media package visit the websites or call:
Grand Council Treaty #3 807-548-4214 or toll free 1-800-665-3384
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation 1-800-465-9952
Chiefs of Ontario


SLATE FALLS NATION PRESENTS TO YOU: THE 10TH ANNUAL FASTBALL TOURNAMENT - AUGUST 16 - 18 ENTRY FEE: $500 PER TEAM ( deadline - aug 16, before first game) 2 DIVISIONS - MEN AND LADIES ALSO......YOUTH 6 - 13, AUGUST 15 -17 ENTRY FEE: $250 ( deadline - aug 15, before first game) CONTACT: Sherri Keetash @ the Slate Falls Band Office or email: ACCOMODATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED BE SURE TO CONTACT A.S.A.P,