
October 17th, 2002

K-Net staff network at Global Community Networking Congress

Raymond Mason, Keewaywin First Nation e-Centre Manager and Brian Beaton, K-Net Services Coordinator traveled to Montreal o­n October 9 to attend the

Global Community Networking Conference. The conference theme "Empowering communities: Innovation, Proposals, Action" is indicative of a process of knowledge transfer in which the world's community networks, their partners and the general public participated. Community networks in the digital era embody the desire of communities and civic organizations to take their rightful place in the developing information society.

Brian delivered two presentations. The first o­ne under the first theme:

The Future of Community Networking: Civic Empowerment through Broadband Initiatives, Wireless, Mixed Media, etc. - Community Networks in Local Information and Communications Technologies Strategy was called "Connecting Remote First Nations to Broadband - Best Practices and Lessons Learned" (pdf version).

The second presentation highlighted some of the cultural and language work completed by Jesse Fiddler, K-Net's Multi-Media Coordinator. This presentation was under the theme:

Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalismo and Multilinguisme o­n the Internet and was called Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land (pdf version) - also available as the powerpoint presentation with the links for the audio. This presentation was based o­n a paper entitled LIVING SMART IN TWO WORLDS: Maintaining and Protecting First Nation Culture for Future Generations (pdf version).

The international coalition known as GlobalCN was founded in Barcelona in November 2000 following the first international meeting of community networks, christened GlobalCN 2000, which brought together 700 delegates from all continents and included representatives from government, international institutions and the private sector. Following GlobalCN 2001 (Buenos Aires), GlobalCN 2002 took place at a strategic moment in the process of international coordination of world communication policies carried out in parallel by the G8 countries and the United Nations system. The process will culminate in 2003 and 2005 with the

UN World Summit o­n the Information Society.

The GlobalCN coalition has been invited to participate in this international process. o­ne of the main objectives of the Montreal 2002 Congress was to develop a common platform representing the positions of community networks in the run-up to the World Summit. GlobalCN 2002 also served as a showcase for the wealth and diversity of Canadian expertise in connectivity and the grassroots use of technologies for community empowerment.

October 15th

OFNTSC conference highlights Kuh-ke-nah Network and Partners

Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager, worked with Bell Canada (Bill Elliot and his team), Adcom (Dan House and his team) along with OFNTSC staff members (Jamie Monastyrski, Jim Taylor and Kevin Sherlock) to demonstrate the importance and potential of video conferencing services for conference participants. Bell Canada provided the connectivity at the conference and Adcom Videoconferencing provided the equipment to make the demonstrations possible. Dan worked with OFNTSC staff to coordinate and facilitate the busy schedule during the conference, including the set up, testing and actual video conferencing sessions.

The conference was opened by elder Elijah Stoney and Chief George Kakekaspan of Fort Severn First Nation joining conference participants by video conference. A little later during the opening ceremonies, three other First Nation video conference sites (Fort Frances, North Bay and Thunder Bay) were bridged together with the conference proceedings and invited to greet members of the audience.

The next day, during the full day trade show, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Bell Canada and Adcom shared a booth that included live video conferencing sessions with KO First Nation band members located in their e-Centres (North Spirit Lake, Deer Lake, Keewaywin and Fort Severn). o­n Thursday, Dan worked with OFNTSC staff members to present information about video conferencing challenges and opportunities.

Telehealth Conference features two KO presentations

The Canadian Society of Telehealth annual conference included two different sessions featuring the work of Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Health Team. This year's conference was held in Vancouver, BC o­n October 3 to 5 and featured guests from across the country.

Orpah McKenzie, KO's Health Director worked with Drs. Fran Edye, C Keresztes and Claudette Chase to share their experience in the presentation entitled "ISOLATION AND ACCESS: EVALUATING A FIRST NATIONS TELEPSYCHIATRY PILOT PROJECT IN REMOTE OJIBWAY AND OJI-CREE COMMUNITIES"(in PDF format). Donna Williams, KO's Telehealth Educator worked with several KO First Nation Telehealth Coordinators to present their experience of delivering "


Keewaytinook Okimakanak was well represented at this year's CST conference with First Nation Health Directors and Telehealth Coordinators joining KO's Telehealth Team in Vancouver. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity sharing their experiences with others and learning about new telehealth opportunities.

October 11th

Keewaytinook Okimakanak hosts all weather planning meeting

On October 02, 2002, Keewaytinook Okimakanak hosted an all weather road meeting at the Balmertown Recreation Centre. It was attended by approximately 43 people from the Red Lake district First Nations of Pikangikum, Deer Lake, North Spirit Lake, Poplar Hill, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake and Sandy Lake. Representatives from INAC, MNR, MNDM and the Municipality of Red Lake were also in attendance.

The meeting focused o­n strategies o­n how we can advance the all weather road initiative and the need to establish the governance structure. The governance structure, proposed to be known as "Northern Roads Transportation Authority" will comprise of appointed directors from each of the district First Nations. This group will oversee all developments related to the entire project. The initiative will be a joint First Nations driven project and utilize various government personnel o­n a technical and advisory capacity.

While the all weather road initiative is a long term project, a short term plan of upgrading the existing winter road network is a priority, particularly the Berens River crossing. The warming climate is a major concern to all users of the winter road.

Pikangikum First Nation, whose traditional territory through which the proposed road is being accessed, has complied with the requests from its northern neighbors for construction of a temporary bridge at the Berens River crossing. This would be used during the winter road season o­nly. A permanent crossing site will be evaluated during the feasibility study phase.

More meetings are being planned in the coming weeks. These next meetings will be planning sessions to further develop the governance structure and frame work agreement.

McKoop Lake Trip for Bearskin Lake members

On the weekend of Sept 25 to Sept. 29, the Bearskin Lake Band supported a cultural hunting trip to McKoop Lake at the Band's Tourist Camp. The camp is located 36 miles south of the reserve. There were 13 men that went o­n the trip, 8 teens and 5 chaperones.

The trip consisted of: hunting, fishing, and many other outdoor stuff. The people that went o­n the trip were Chris Beardy, Trevor McKoop, Victor Fox, Scott Nothing, Langford Gray, Kevin Peters, Edward Fiddler, Stuart Kam, Louie Fox, John Day, Randy Fiddler, David Meekis and myself. Four of us left for McKoop Lake o­n Wednesday afternoon. The rest came o­n Friday afternoon.

Although, we were unsuccessful with the moose hunting, we had a chance to go Goose and Duck hunting which was fun. I hope the band will do this again in the future. Thanx.

October 8th

Planning for broadband in all Nishnawbe Aski Nation communities

Matawa First Nations Management staff organized a planning meeting with different stakeholders to determine a strategy to access the resources required to bring broadband connectivity and applications to their member First Nations.

Dcp00714.jpgRepresentatives from Nishnawbe Aski Nation (Gordon Kakegamic), Matawa (Paul Capon, John Cole), FedNor (Carl Seibel) and Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Brian Beaton) met by video conference discussing Industry Canada's Broadband for Rural and Northern Development (BRAND) program and how everyone can work together to ensure EVERY First Nation across Treaty 9 territory is included in this initiative.

OFNSTC Opens Annual Conference with Fort Severn participation

Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation's Annual Conference, "Tradition and Technology for a Better Tomorrow" was opened by Fort Severn Elder Elijah Stoney and Chief George Kakakespan joining the conference by video conference. Aut_0148.jpg Elder Elijah Stoney said a prayer for the gathering from the Fort Severn First Nation band office. Chief George Kakekaspan said a few words to the conference participants about the importance of these communication tools for his community.

Aut_0152.jpgWorking in partnership with Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Bell Canada and Adcom, OFNTSC Conference participants will be able to link with different Tribal Councils and First Nations that have access to video conferencing services during the trade show scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 9. A workshop session is also scheduled for Thursday to discuss the different issues surrounding developing and sustaining video conferencing connections in the different organizations and First Nations.

See additional pictures at

October 7th

Fort William First Nation...Open House!


Fort William First Nation had it's open house o­n September 20, 2002. Initially things were slow, but picked up in mid afternoon. We had about 15 people from around the community come and check out our site. A few showed interest in enrollment into the program, so, hopefully we will have some more new faces around the KiHS center here in FWFN. We have a picture of the school attached. Come and visit us anytime!

Thank you for your time...

Teacher/Mentor...Craig H
Classroom Technician...Aaron H
Aaron B., Luke B. Andrew P., Kara P., Coty K., Joseph C., Trevor W., Nathan M., Jesse B., George S., Rob M., Summer B., Jamie B., Brenda H., Terry L., Lyle P., Sara G., Lucas S...and more to come!!! happy and smile

October 5th

New K-Net News Site

We have a new K-Net News site which should make submitting your News Stories much easier.  Included is a new HTML editor and the ability to add pictures to your news stories.

October 4th

Fort Severn Community Economic Development Strategic Planning Session 2002

The week September 30th to October 3rd Fort Severn hosted a Community Economic Development Strategic Planning Session at the local  youth centre. The host was Victoria Matthews our local resource worker. The workshop facilitator was Peter Dixon from Macleod Farley and Associates. Refreshments of coffee and cookies were provided.

The elders, youth and Chief and Council were invited to provide their input o­n developing an up-to-date economic development strategic plan for Fort Severn First Nation. 

See Photos from the workshop at