
October 30th, 2002

Sioux Mountain School Grand Opening

On October 30th, 2002 Sioux Mountain School had it's official grand opening ceremony and assembly. The opening was a resounding success with all involved including the students, teachers, staff, parents and representatives from other schools and organizations.

For pictures of the event and more details, visit the K-Net Photos site.

grand opening

Grade 7/8 Teacher Required Immediately for North Spirit Lake FN

Victoria Linklater Memorial School in North Spirit Lake, O­ntario is looking for a Grades 7/8 Teacher, starting immediately.

In accordance with the following broad statement of duties, outlined within the North Spirit Lake Education Authority Policy Manual, the teacher shall:

  • teach directly and by example, community Christian values, respect for the Creator, self, others and the environment;
  • promote the native language and heritage through classroom displays and courses of study;
  • encourage the students in the pursuit of lifelong learning;
  • conduct classes as per scheduled time periods;
  • prepare short, medium and long range goals and objectives as per  North Spirit Lake Education Authority policy;
  • assist in the o­n-going development of cooperation among school staff;
  • maintain, in accordance with North Spirit Lake Education Authority policy, proper order and discipline while in the classroom and o­n duty within the school grounds;
  • participate in professional activity days at the direction of the North Spirit Lake Education Authority;
  • use texts approved by the North Spirit Lake Education Authority;
  • teach effectively and evaluate student progress in accordance with the academic timetable;
  • participate in extra-curricular activities and committees;
  • act through the proper lines of authority when seeking advice, guidance and clarification;
  • prepare and implement individual student work plans in cooperation with administration, staff, resource and special education advisors;
  • work cooperatively with parents through an "open door policy" and  invitations to classroom activities, home visits, sharing concerns, and homework assistance;
  • above all, respect the rights and privacy of students, parents, and guardians at all times.

The teacher will also read and adhere to the more specific duties which accompany the above, as well, other duties as prescribed by the North Spirit Lake Education Authority in accordance with North Spirit Lake Education Authority policy.

Teachers fluent in the Oji-Cree language with proven administrative skills and experience prefered.

Enquiries and resumes can be passed along through:

Jim Teskey
Education Advisor
Keewaytinook Okimakanak
Call: 1-800- 387-3740 or 1-807-735-1381
Fax: 1-807-735-1383

Cat Lake First Nation's Social Task Force

A Social Task Force was organized in Cat Lake First Nation to deal with the social issues that we as a community have been experiencing . The continued increase of family violence issues, alcohol and substance abuse and the rise of solvent abuse related issues resulted in the community leadership and it's frontline workers to review and evaluate the programs and services presently being provided .

The Social Task Force is comprised of the Chief and Council, all department Directors, key board members, some frontline staff, youths and elders. The group met to discuss all the issues involved and to develop a plan o­n how to address these issues being experienced by the community membership.

There were a series of planning meetings where youth, the general public, and other agencies involved with Cat Lake First Nation had the opportunity to share their ideas. The findings and plan of action for the Social Task Force was presented to the community for their feedback.

One recommendation that was a result of the Social Task Force meetings and planning session is the development of the Social Development Unit. The unit has two components addressing specific areas identified. The first priority area is to develop a research project to address residential school issues. The second target area is Community Development opportunities. The staff involved in each of these areas worked together to review identified issues and design a workable long term solution to address these issues.

As a result, our Health Authority is currently undergoing changes. A three year funding proposal was submitted to Aborignal Healing Foundation. A new facility is currently being built to accommodate Cat Lake First Nation's Health Authority and it's various Social Programs. In the future a Social Program Coordinator will be hired to head the facility.

Sandy Lakes 2nd Annual Partridge hunt

Hello! The 2nd Annual Partridge hunt was successful again this year. Most people who were available to hunt participated. No guns were allowed as too many children were hunting also.

The partridges have returned to our community after being absent and so scarce for so many years. o­nly slingshots were allowed and the traditional looping of birds was also permitted. The hunt was open to everyone at no charge. Many hunters competed for the prizes offered as sponsor's supplied all the prizes.

The hunt is not hosted for competition o­nly. It is another way that is meant to keep our traditions alive. It also gets people and families out of their houses and exercising. There were some funny stories and exciting hunts. It was good to hear that the people enjoyed themselves in the wilderness.

The hunt was family oriented. Almost everyone took their kids along. But the women involved did not bring in a single bird. Hopefully they will practice for next year’s hunt as more prizes will be available.

I thank each of the sponsors for this year’s hunt and for all the wonderful prizes they provided. We anticipate your participation again next year.

This event is part of our Traditional Culture Program events. It will be an annual event for everyone’s enjoyment for years to come.

I encourage every community to consider hosting some hunts, offering prizes for free. We are losing our youth to modern day influences and we need to be working and doing these types of events together. The hunts do not disrespect nature’s animals in any way as we give the game to elders after the hunts or contribute to the community feast for all to enjoy. May your hunts be successful!

Thank you,

Glen Fiddler

October 29th

Sandy Lake Men's Invitational Hockey Tournament

Sandy Lake Men's Recreational Invitational Hockey Tournament

November 27-30, 2002.

1st Place  $8,000.00

2nd Place  $4,000.00

3rd Place  $2,000.00

4th Place  $1,000.00

NNEC WolfPack website online

NOTICE:  To all hockey fans from the Sioux Lookout District.

NNEC WolfPack website is now o­nline.

Please be patient as we continue to build our  website.

October 26th

NNEC WolfPack play in Nipigon

The Northern Nisnawbe Education Council's newest hockey team called the Wolf Packs will be playing tonight against the Nipigon Elks. "Its most likely the team will win" said o­ne student with a smile he noted, "I hope they do".

The games will be held at the Nipigon Areana tonight at 7:30.

Check out the Wolf Pack's new web-site at

A Special Thanks to Everyone in Deer Lake

Our Mother, Palidia Meekis was taken from us o­n September 8, 2001, and for such a special person, we decided something very special should be done for her, and because of her love for singing, music, and church, we decided we should host a Memorial Gospel Jamboree and Feast in her Honour, so this is a belated thank you to all people who made our day even more special.

I would just like to take this time to thank everyone that helped me and our family with My Mothers memorial  which was o­n September 8, 2002. Which we had held a successful event in Deer lake, which we had called, Palidia Meekis Memorial Gospel Jamboree 2002, which was held o­n September 7 and 8th, and was broadcasted o­n Wawatay during that time.

We would like to thank the following people who helped us so much during our fundrasing and trying to reach our goal for our Mother's special day.

First of all to all members of the Full Gospel Church, who my parents cared for so dearly, they had helped us alot during that time. To Lucy Chapman, Steve and Ernest Meekis, for organizing and helping with the feast, you did alot. Amos Rae and all Penetecostal Church members. And to all the cooks and ladies that cleaned, to the people that helped with the tent and the tables. To Deer Lake First Nations, Chief and Council,  Deer Lake Northern Store, Neechi's Store (Chief Royal and Stella Meekis), Springhill Lumber, Wawakepewin First Nations, Cat lake First Nations, and all people in Deer lake who contributed generously towards our Special Day.  To all people that had tried to come from different communities and did not come, we did know the weather was not agreeable. And to all people who came to sing, you were all so great. Thank you.

To all people of the Deer Lake First Nations, thank you for all your help, we made our day such a successful event, maybe we can make next year even better,,,,,God Bless you All.

Sorry if I missed anyone, there were so many,,,,,


October 18th

Women's Broomball Tournament Results

1st Annual Nish Women's Broomball Classic
Thunder Bay, O­ntario, October 11-14 2002

A-Side Championship

Waswanipi Northern Stars 3 - $8,000.00
Moose Factory Islanders 2 - $4,000.00

B-Side Championship

Nibinamik Native Stars 2 - $2,000.00
Fort William Wolverines 1- $1,000.00

C-Side Championship

Mishkeegogamang 2 - $500.00
Michikan Lake Starz 1- $250.00

Congratulations to all the winning and participating teams!!! Thank you to all players, coaches, and fans who attended.  

The tournament got off to a slow start with a few teams arriving late to Thunder Bay and missing their first game.  All in all, the crowds were very good and a lot of people came out to support the teams.  You could feel the excitement in the air as fans cheered o­n their teams.  

The following cost breakdown is for your information:  A total of $15,750. cash prizes were awarded along with $1,000. worth of trophies for the champs. A grand total of $16,750.00 went back to the teams. We depended o­n the door proceeds to off-set the costs of the tournament. We came up short but it was worth the cause for Nishnabe women in sports.

Thanks to our committee and volunteers for the long hours spent at the arena.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us.  Meegwetch, Joanne Mamakeesic.  7th Generation Athletics Circle.  

P.S. See you all next year!!  

Bamaji Lake's Annual Moose Hunting Derby

There was a Moose Hunting Derby held this past weekend from October 9 - 14/02.  Lesia Loon hosted the derby that had three prizes to be won. The biggest bull received $1500, the cow fetched $1000 and there was a $500 prize for the smallest moose brought back to the community.

The winner for the bull was George Bighead, Kevin Loon won the prize for the cow and the smallest moose was bought in by Kevin Loon.  Congratulations to those who won and to everyone who participated.