Cat Lake First Nation's Social Task Force

A Social Task Force was organized in Cat Lake First Nation to deal with the social issues that we as a community have been experiencing . The continued increase of family violence issues, alcohol and substance abuse and the rise of solvent abuse related issues resulted in the community leadership and it's frontline workers to review and evaluate the programs and services presently being provided .

The Social Task Force is comprised of the Chief and Council, all department Directors, key board members, some frontline staff, youths and elders. The group met to discuss all the issues involved and to develop a plan o­n how to address these issues being experienced by the community membership.

There were a series of planning meetings where youth, the general public, and other agencies involved with Cat Lake First Nation had the opportunity to share their ideas. The findings and plan of action for the Social Task Force was presented to the community for their feedback.

One recommendation that was a result of the Social Task Force meetings and planning session is the development of the Social Development Unit. The unit has two components addressing specific areas identified. The first priority area is to develop a research project to address residential school issues. The second target area is Community Development opportunities. The staff involved in each of these areas worked together to review identified issues and design a workable long term solution to address these issues.

As a result, our Health Authority is currently undergoing changes. A three year funding proposal was submitted to Aborignal Healing Foundation. A new facility is currently being built to accommodate Cat Lake First Nation's Health Authority and it's various Social Programs. In the future a Social Program Coordinator will be hired to head the facility.