
February 18th, 2005

K-Net Services participates in PFFNHS Career Fair

K-Net Services participated in this year's Career Fair held at Pelican Falls First Nations High School in Sioux Lookout on Friday, February 18, 2005. Click here to see some pictures from this event.

February 17th

INAC officials visit KO programs in Sioux Lookout, Deer Lake, Balmertown

Tom Meecham, Manager, Inherent Right Negotiations and  Ron Mavin, Senior Intergovernmental Affairs Officer, Indian and Northern Affairs, Governments Relations are travelling with Kevin Houghton to visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak programs across the north. Under the governance program, Keewaytinook Okimakanak worked with INAC in the development of a regional financial management strategy to better serve the needs of the KO First Nations. Kevin lead this initiative over the past fiscal year.

Tom and Ron wanted to meet with the KO leadership to discuss new opportunities for using the resources that KO has been able to put into place to deliver further support services for the KO member First Nations.

First Nation youth working as Northern Ontario ambassadors

This morning, Jesse Terry wrote the following message from his six month placement with the Elba program in Finland ...

"spring will be coming around the same time as it does back home or just a little later.  The sea ice leaves in April, just like home. The Elba has canoes and does canoe programs which I will be a big part of.  So, am really looking forward to that.  As well, in the spring and summer, they have international camps, ranging from leadership to adventure activities, which I'll be working on.  Those I am really looking forward too!

So, glad you like the pics.  And, yes, its nice to be able to use a computer at work...

Jesse uses his web site at to share his stories and experiences with his family and friends. Check it out at For more information about the international program that is sponsoring Jesse's work in Finland visit

The family connections are maintained even at a distance with most members posting pictures and stories on their personal homepages. Carol Terry, Jesse's mother who is the Health Director at the Independent First Nations Alliance in Sioux Lookout, loves to use her site to share special pictures about family gatherings and adventures ( Cal Kenny, Jesse's older brother who works with Keewaytinook Okimakanak, produces some wonderful videos and stories that makes everyone want to return to this special place in the north ( Kanina, Jesse's sister who is living and working in Toronto, also maintains an "interesting" personal web site at Tom, Jesse's father, keeps talking about setting up a web site but always has something else to do with the folks in the north.

This is just one family's way of staying in touch using the internet. The server had over 70 million hits in January alone, with an average of over 20 thousand VISITS DAILY in January. So we do know that youth and their families are on-line and using these communication tools!!

February 16th

The Canadian Aboriginal Youth Writing Challenge - deadline of May 6

A challenge for Aboriginal youth (15 to 18 years of age) across the country to write a short story about a defining moment in Aboriginal history. Students will have the opportunity to win great prizes and be profiled on TV. 

This is a chance to educate Canadians about the moments that have shaped our country and its people from an Aboriginal perspective.

The deadline for submissions is May 6, 2005. An Advisory Committee of Aboriginal authors from across the country that includes authors Tantoo Cardinal and Lee Maracle will judge the submissions. The results of the contest will be announced on National Aboriginal Day, June 21st 2005.

Participants should read the Contest Rules in greater detail before applying and then Submit a Story following the submission process.

Prizes & Recognition:

First Place:

  • The student with the first place entry will receive a $500 cash prize.
  • The first place student will travel to Ottawa with a guardian to attend a special event and read an excerpt from his or her story to a group of Aboriginal leaders and authors.
  • The first place student will be interviewed and profiled in a Canadian Learning Television and Book Television TV Feature.
  • The First Place student will have an excerpt from his or her story published in the Beaver Magazine.

Top Ten Entries:

  • Students who place in the top ten will receive a $200 cash prize.
  • The top ten stories will be published on the Project Web site.
  • The top ten students will receive a copy of the Our Story Publication (Doubleday Canada, 2004)

All Entries

  • All participants will receive a Letter of Recognition from the Institute’s Director acknowledging their hard work and participation in the programme.

Contest Rules

Aboriginal Students are asked to pick a moment or period in Aboriginal history and create a fictional short story that is based on this history. The event selected should be tied to Canadian history and/or the participant’s ancestral history.

Entry is free for all participants. The prizes and the rules and regulations are outlined below. Participants should read the guidelines carefully and ensure that they submit all the requested material. For more information call 1-866-701-1867.

  • Participants must be of Aboriginal ancestry (Status, Non-Status, Inuit and Métis).
  • Participants must be between 15-18 years of age.
  • Participants must be currently (at the time of entry) attending a Canadian high school or working toward a home school or long distance education equivalent.
  • Participants will submit a Short Story that is previously unpublished and between 800-1400 words in length.
  • Participants will also submit a 200-400 word Author’s Statement that explains the significance of the historical event/period in history selected.
  • Participants will include a Letter of Support from a teacher, guidance counselor or community leader. The letter must include the educator’s or leader’s full name, address and phone number.
  • Participants will include the following personal information in a covering letter or in the text of their e-mails (Name, Address, Phone Number, Grade Level and Age).

 Submit a Story

Participants should submit their entries (including the Short Story, Author’s Statement and Letter of Support) by midnight May 6, 2005. Participants can submit their entries by e-mail to or by mail to the address below. The original Letter of Support must be sent by mail. All mail submissions should be postmarked no later than May 6, 2005.

Dominion Institute
183 Bathurst St., Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 2R7
For more information call 1-866-701-1867.

February 15th

Recent publications of Keewaytinook Okimakanak's ICT work

Various international publications are highlighting some of Keewaytinook Okimakanak's work. Recent releases include:

Don Burnstick coming to Red Lake in March

The Red Lake Indian Friendship Centre lays out the Red Carpet for Don Burnstick, Comedian.

February 14th

Opening of the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network online

For those who were not able to attend the actual event on January 19, the opening ceremonies consisting of video clips, pictures and stories are now available on-line for everyone to see. Visit to watch Geordi Kakepetum, Executive Director of Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic from Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Grand Chief Arnold Ouskan from the Keewatin Tribal Council in Northern Manitoba, Patrick Exekiel from the Kativik Regional Government in Northern Quebec, the Honourable Joseph Comuzzi (Minister of State for FedNor), the Honourable Roger Valley (MP for Kenora riding), and the Honourable Howard Hampton (MPP for Kenora Riding and leader of the New Democratic Party) share their stories and wisdom with the conference participants.

The background information, press coverage and other material produced and shared at this event are now all available on-line at

Some of this material includes:

>> History of NICSN <<

>> Partner Profiles <<

>> View the Agenda <<

>> KO Press Release <<

>> Telesat Press Release <<

>> Demonstrations <<

>> NICSN Video <<

>> Press Coverage <<

>> Community Impact Stories <<

PFFNHS travel club hosting Radiothon, Thur., Feb. 17 trip to Los Angeles

Pelican Falls First Nations High School TRAVEL CLUB is hosting a RADIOTHON

Please support our fund raising efforts so we can visit LOS ANGELES this spring!

Radiothon starts Thursday, February 17 at 6 p.m. sharp and airs until 2 a.m. Tune into Wawatay 89.9 on your local radio channel or Wawatay on Bell Express Vu channel 962

To make your pledge please call:



Toll Free:


Thank you for your support

Please call Florence Sanderson at PFFNHS (807) 737-1110 for further information.

Tune in to listen to out exciting guests!

First Nations Public Library Week - Feb 14-19

Libraries across Ontario are celebrating "First Nations Public Library Week" starting today. The theme, "Proud Past, Proud Future @ your library" celebrates the First Nation public library's key roles, that being, respectful keeper of the history of its community and the First Nation peoples, and vital contributor to the successful growth and development of individuals and the community overall. The winter timing for First Nations Public Library Week observes the traditional time for storytelling.

Some resources obtained from the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal to help celebrate this occasion include:

Boreal Prospectors Association: 1st General Meeting and Symposium.

Join the newly formed Boreal Prospectors Association and the Ontario Prospectors Association for their Symposium entitled "Exploring the Land Together" on February 22-23, 2005 in Sioux Lookout at the Sunset Inn & Suites.

Land use, economic development, and the minerals industry.  Participate, learn, and be heard!