Opening of the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network online

For those who were not able to attend the actual event on January 19, the opening ceremonies consisting of video clips, pictures and stories are now available on-line for everyone to see. Visit to watch Geordi Kakepetum, Executive Director of Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic from Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Grand Chief Arnold Ouskan from the Keewatin Tribal Council in Northern Manitoba, Patrick Exekiel from the Kativik Regional Government in Northern Quebec, the Honourable Joseph Comuzzi (Minister of State for FedNor), the Honourable Roger Valley (MP for Kenora riding), and the Honourable Howard Hampton (MPP for Kenora Riding and leader of the New Democratic Party) share their stories and wisdom with the conference participants.

The background information, press coverage and other material produced and shared at this event are now all available on-line at

Some of this material includes:

>> History of NICSN <<

>> Partner Profiles <<

>> View the Agenda <<

>> KO Press Release <<

>> Telesat Press Release <<

>> Demonstrations <<

>> NICSN Video <<

>> Press Coverage <<

>> Community Impact Stories <<