First Nation youth working as Northern Ontario ambassadors

This morning, Jesse Terry wrote the following message from his six month placement with the Elba program in Finland ...

"spring will be coming around the same time as it does back home or just a little later.  The sea ice leaves in April, just like home. The Elba has canoes and does canoe programs which I will be a big part of.  So, am really looking forward to that.  As well, in the spring and summer, they have international camps, ranging from leadership to adventure activities, which I'll be working on.  Those I am really looking forward too!

So, glad you like the pics.  And, yes, its nice to be able to use a computer at work...

Jesse uses his web site at to share his stories and experiences with his family and friends. Check it out at For more information about the international program that is sponsoring Jesse's work in Finland visit

The family connections are maintained even at a distance with most members posting pictures and stories on their personal homepages. Carol Terry, Jesse's mother who is the Health Director at the Independent First Nations Alliance in Sioux Lookout, loves to use her site to share special pictures about family gatherings and adventures ( Cal Kenny, Jesse's older brother who works with Keewaytinook Okimakanak, produces some wonderful videos and stories that makes everyone want to return to this special place in the north ( Kanina, Jesse's sister who is living and working in Toronto, also maintains an "interesting" personal web site at Tom, Jesse's father, keeps talking about setting up a web site but always has something else to do with the folks in the north.

This is just one family's way of staying in touch using the internet. The server had over 70 million hits in January alone, with an average of over 20 thousand VISITS DAILY in January. So we do know that youth and their families are on-line and using these communication tools!!