
February 12th, 2005

Wabigoon FN reps visit K-Net

On Wednesday, February 9, Carl Zoccole (Band Councillor responsible for Education), Terry Favelle (Economic Development Officer) and Tim Gardener (Youth Worker) met with the First Nations SchoolNet Regional Management Organization team (Keewaytinook Okimakanak) to discuss establishing a broadband connection to their First Nation school. The proposed solution is being funded by the First Nations SchoolNet initiative along with Health Canada to connect in the school and the community health programs into the Kuhkenah Network. Video conferencing and high speed internet are two planned applications to be carried on the network. The community plans to present a proposal to FedNor to develop their "last mile" solution for connecting all their houses, businesses, organizations and program services to this network.

February 11th

GW Children's Centre in Deer Lake delivers ECE training program for staff

The Ga Wiianiniiganiitamagoyak Children's Centre (GWCC) in Deer Lake First Nation is a new organization funded under Health Canada's Head Start program. It is evolving to become a fully accredited child care centre which has been its goal since its inception. Rather than being a stagnant entity the centre continues to be very proactive in its approach to reaching this goal.

The centre has achieved many successes with its innovative programming and its community based approach to developing local services that address local needs and objectives.

To achieve its goal, the Centre worked to develop an Early Childhood Education Program for its staff and interested community members in partnership with the regional college. This objective became a reality when funding was secured for a community based ECE Program to be delivered by Confederation College through the use of video conferencing. Students are able to attend classes in our community with regularly scheduled instruction and class time the college instructor who is located in Kenora. A virtual face-to-face classroom is now operating at the centre.

The broadband connectivity is being provided by Deer Lake's Broadband Community Network and the video conferencing equipment was provided to the Centre by the Regional Management Organization (KO) with Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet Program as a pilot project.

Sandy Lake's Aboriginal Head Start Program joined the initiative when they heard how the courses were being delivered. K-Net Services as a recognized leader in connectivity and telecommunications is providing the video bridge to connect Sandy Lake with Deer Lake and Confederation College for these courses.


Chiefs of Ontario research project to study INAC Funding Formula for FN schools


----------------------------------------------Chiefs of Ontario----------------------------------------

Research Contract

AFFILIATION:   Chiefs of Ontario Education Department
STATUS/ CONDITIONS:  Contract for 5 weeks, ending March 31, 2005
CONTRACT AMOUNT:  Subject to Negotiation


 In the spring of 2004 a joint working group consisting of representatives of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) agreed to conduct a comparative study relating to the Band Operated Funding Formula (BOFF), which supports First Nations schools on reserve.   Regional simulations were conducted to determine the amount of funding First Nations schools receive under the BOFF, and the amount of funding they might otherwise be eligible for under provincial funding formulas.   The purpose of this research project is to conduct a critical assessment of the research methodology utilized to complete the comparative study for Ontario (hereinafter referred to as “the study”) and assess the validity of the conclusions of the study. 


The successful contractor(s) shall be responsible for a final report, which includes the following elements:

  1. An assessment of the research methodology utilized in the study for the purposes of calculating the application of the band operated formula on a per capita basis.
  2. An assessment of the research methodology utilized in the study for the purposes of calculating the application of the Ontario education funding formula on a per capita basis.
  3. An assessment of the validity of the final conclusions in the study.


 Recognized post-secondary credentials in Education Administration, Economics, or related field.   Working experience with the Band Operated Funding Formula and/or Ontario education funding formula   Experience with qualitative and quantitative data analysis and synthesis.  Working knowledge of computer software MS Word and PowerPoint.  Excellent demonstrated written and analytical skills.


Monday February 21, 2005


Karihwakeron Tim Thompson
Education Coordinator
Chiefs of Ontario
188 Mohawk Street
Brantford, Ontario
N3S 2X2

Telephone: 519 750-1016
Facsimile:  519 750-1316

PPFHS Co-op adventure update - Home Sweet Home!

There's no place like home...

February 10th

AFN's national essay writing contest for students

Nodin CFI Deliver Art Therapy Via Telehealth

Nodin Child and Family Intervention Services delivered art therapy sessions utilizing the KO Telehealth private network to children in the remote First Nation Communities of Big Trout and Sandy Lake. Art Therapy is a therapeutic tool to support children with mental health needs. The sessions were extremely successful with positive comments regarding the sessions from all involved.

February 9th

3rd Annual Northern Housing Conference in Thunder Bay

3rd Annual Northern Housing Conference

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Youth Hockey Tournament 2005

Kitchenuhmaykoosib  Youth Hockey Tournament 2005

Revised Dates

Wednesday February 23rd to

Saturday February 26th 2005

Sr Youth 14,15, 16, 17, 18 yrs old

Local Team: K.I Wild

Entry Fee $400.00 (5 outside teams)

Jr Youth 9,10,11,12,13 yrs old

Local Team: K.I Ice Hawks

Entry Fee $400.00 (5 outside Teams)

-Teams are required to balance teams age groups -

No Body Contact

All players must wear full cages mask

Prizes are based on amount of entries

Deadline to confirm: Friday February 18th 2005






For More Information Contact

Marcel Mckay: K.I Community Event Coordinator

Work 537 2263 or Home 537 9994

Fax 537 2574 



PFFNHS students attend Blueprint for the Future conference in Ottawa

A day-by-day report from the nations capital where the PFFNHS representatives are seeing the city and ....

February 7th