
October 8th, 2008

Red Lake Christian Assembly Church Thanksgiving Camp Meetings invitation


Welcomes Everyone to the


Oct. 9th to Oct. 12th, 2008

Guest Speakers:

Bro. Peter Munro
Toronto, On.                      

Bro. Randy Moskotaywanene
Sioux Lookout, On.

Special Guest Singers:

Bro. Samson Beardy,

October 7th

Nearly one in every four children live in poverty in Canada after 20 years of broken promises

From Canwest News Service 

Child poverty rate still 23% two decades later: report

October 07, 2008

Canada needs to do more to fix the child poverty rate because it has remained virtually unchanged in two decades, says an annual quality of life report card released Tuesday by the Community Foundations of Canada.

The non-governmental organization said the Vital Signs 2008 report shows more than one in five children (1.6 million or 23%) lived in poverty in 2006.

Copyright laws changes will enforce American style rules promised by conservatives


Conservatives pledge to reintroduce copyright reform

October 7, 2008 - By Peter Nowak CBC News

The Conservatives are promising to reintroduce controversial copyright-reform legislation if they are re-elected, according to the party's official platform released on Tuesday.

NICSN's Indigenous Peoples’ Appropriating the Knowledge Society (IPAKS) proposal supported

The Global Alliance for ICT and Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA-GAID) recently approved the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN) and our international partner's proposal to establish a Community of Expertise entitled "Indigenous Peoples’ Appropriating the Knowledge Society (IPAKS) Through Satellite Enabled Broadband Networking".

The objective of this Community of Expertise as outlined in the proposal is:

Business Workshop Series - October 10, 2008 Research and Marketing

Keewaytinook Okimakanak and Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund have delivered four of the six workshops in the Business Development Series. Checkout the next two workshops at a video conference site in your community. Contact your community technician or 877.737.5638 X 1266 to register.

October 6th

First Nations Women's Day (October 6), AFN honours Sharon McIvor for legal battle to regain status

AFN press release ...

AFN Praises Sharon McIvor on October 6th, First Nations Women's Day

OTTAWA, Oct. 6 - AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine and AFN Women's Council Chair, Kathleen McHugh are calling on women across Canada to celebrate First Nations Women's Day by making donations to support, "one of the longest standing and important human rights cases in Canadian history."

"Internet for Everyone" campaign launched to challenge political parties to support access

Telecommunities press release ... 

Canadians launch "Internet for Everyone" campaign

    VICTORIA, BC, Oct. 6 /CNW Telbec/ - Telecommunities Canada (TC) today launched the "Internet for Everyone" campaign ( that seeks to put a national ICT strategy back on the federal agenda.

October 5th

Assembly of First Nations national chief challenging politicans to build a strong and fair nation

From the Toronto Star

Stronger First Nations make for a stronger Canada

Phil Fontaine -  Oct 01, 2008

What does it say about a country where one in three students will not graduate from high school, where more than 20 per cent of their former classmates are in jail, and where the schools are falling apart at the seams?

October 4th

Art exhibition exploring the issue of hate crimes hosted by Sioux Lookout Anti-racism

SLARC press release 

Youth use art to explore what’s Under the Surface of hate crimes

Sioux Lookout October 3, 2008

e-Health Ontario bringing all aspects of e-health under one organization

Ontario press release

ONTARIO INTEGRATES E-HEALTH ACTIVITIES UNDER ONE AGENCY - McGuinty Government Appoints Dr. Alan Hudson As Chair of eHealth Ontario

September 26, 2008

Ontario has appointed Dr. Alan Hudson as the Chair of eHealth Ontario, a restructured agency responsible for all aspects of e-health in Ontario including creating an electronic health record for all Ontarians.